Chapter 11 The Finale Testing pt. 3

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Toby POV

Watching her fight, is oddly terrifying. Seeing her eyes, veins, and hair glow as it did- unnerving. I dont think this girl was ever human to begin with. Her screaming only makes my ticks worse.

"Something bothering T-T-T-Tobias?", masky ask in a mocking tone.

I ignore him, watching the girl dodge every attack that Jane threw at her. She made it look like child's play. The eerie calm expression spoke volumes. I take a glance at jeff, that sickly glint in his eyes brightening by the second. In fact everyone has that joyful glint in their eyes. Everyone hates jane, that is no secret- so watching her grow frustrated and sloppy is a sight for swore eyes.

Slenderman and Slenderwoman seems more pleased with each passing fight, I on the other hand grew wiry. I couldn't figure out why, but I know after her fight with jane- I'd be next.

Carlotta POV

Dodging her moves were easily, moving gracefully around her and her blade. "What's the matter Me. Jane? I thought you were soooo much more stronger than this-" I mocked, grabbing her wrist and twist it -making her drop her knife to the ground.

"You disrespectful bi-"

I cut her off by breaking her wrist, her shout bringing a smile to my face. I kick her knee, somehow knocking it out if place as she fell to the ground. I leans down, my eyes wide and crazed. "You stuck up, no good ugly piece of horse shit. I will make you pay for what you did. I'm not even into girls, and even if I were- you sure as hell made me change my mind. I'd watch my back if I were you, might plant a few knives in." And with that, I punch her in the nose knocking her out cold.

I toss her body aside, waiting for next opponent. Up comes a boy in a blue grayish hoodie, a cloth mask hanging on his neck and orange lens colored goggles resting on the top if his head. As he got closer, he pulls the goggles over his eyes and reaches behind himself to grab two hatches. His body would twitch from time to time, it seems uncontrollable.

"M-My name is t-t...toby." the Young looking male forced out. His chocolate colored eyes twitching.

"T-T-Today junior!" A male in a white mask and yellow trench coat shouts.

I roll my eyes, looking Toby over again. For some reason, I didnt feel quick to want to destory him. "....That guy doesnt like you much huh? Why?"

"Y-You'll find o-out s-soon enough." He sutters, waving his hatches. "L-Let's finish th-this quickly." He said, though he seems hesitant.

I nod, smiling a bit as I run towards him, grabbing Jane's knife and aims to stab him in his arm. He moves swiftly, bringing the hatchet on the left towards my face. I dodge just in time, the hatchet cutting a few strands of my hair. I quickly jump back, blinking a few times and smiles widely.

"Whoa, you nearly cut my head off." I laugh.

I watch as he nods, jumping high up into the air before bringing both hatchets down towards my head again. I flip away, struggling to dodge off of his attacks. Not only is he skilled, but his strength is unearthly. I did notice how he left an opening every few seconds. But there is no way I'd be able to stab him with those hatchets swinging every which way!

My frustration grew, and that guy in the white mask mocking the both if us wasn't helping. My anger grew and grew, before I feel a strange buzzing sensation on my back. Toby suddenly stops his swinging, moving back quickly as he watches with widen eyes.

I whimper, falling to my knees while reaching to soothe the buzzing itch that grew worse. "what else is happening to me!?" I shout, now hunched over in pain.

Toby POV

I watch in fascination as a pair of huge butterfly wings sprout from her back. They seem to glow a bright shade of pink mixed with a deep purple at the tips. She slowly stands back to her feet, a determination glint in her eyes. I knew then I was fucked.

She fazes out my sight, somehow appearing in front of me and bringing a strong gush of wind with her. I raise my left hatchet to strike- only for her to knock it out of my hand with her huge wings. Before I could react, she stabs the knife into my arm- doing the same to the right. I moved to jumo but she knocks him to the ground, holding the knife to my throat.

"Give?" She whispers with a....soothing yet terrifying glow in her eyes.

" w-win...what's y-your name?" I ask as she helps me to my feet since I couldn't really move my arms. I'm surprised she knew where to stab to keep the arms immobile.

Her face twist in a puzzled expression, as if she forgot her own name. Just...what the hell did the Slenders do to her?

"Carlotta....", she finally said, her eyes locked onto masky and hoodie. "Tell your buddies I want them next."

I nod, still somewhat in aw of her horrifying beauty. I walk back over to them, Feeling Jeff's eyes lock onto me. I look at the crazy fucker, surprised at the noticable frown. No idea what he's pissed about, and I couldn't care less. Right now I want to see masky and hoodie get their shit rocked.

"Sh-She wants the two of you n-next." I said, moving to lean against a tree once I sat down.

"Little missy is smarter than she looks huh? Knows we always fight in pairs." Masky said, cracking his knuckles.

"Let's go." Hoodie said, the two walking over to her.

I couldnt hear what masky said to her, but whatever it was pissed her off. Eventhough those two came at her from both side, they couldn't hold their own. Her wings gave her a newfound speed that pretty much surpasses everyone here. Watching masky getting beat black and blue brings a smirk to my lips.

The fucker deserves it anyways. The more I watch though, the more I noticed more transformations. She now has claws that are digging into hoodie's wrist, her tattoos glowing brightly, and the color of her hair changing to a mix of pink, purple, and black.

When the two prideful fucks finally tap out, I notice how everyone else seems hesitant to step forward- well not him though.

Jeff walks forward, that glint returning into his eyes. I look at carlotta, the same glint in her eyes as well. One things for sure, this is going to be a bloodbath.

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