chapter 5: "this is only the beginning"🔞

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°Week one°

Carlotta POV

I curl up in a ball crying my soul out. Is this how I'm going to live the rest of my life? Trapped down here until I die? But I can't, what about school?- then again I never cared for education. And scarlet? I miss her so much. I hope that joker wanna be bastard that took me didn't hurt her. I truly hope she's alright.

°Week two°

The hunger is becoming to much for me. I keep feeling bugs crawl on me and sometimes I'll hear voices and even growls. As if a dog or other people are down here- are there other people down here? No that's not it. I had a good look of the room before I was thrown in here. No one is in here but me- are the voices coming from my head?

°Week three°

"No! N-NO! Please stop, please shut up!" I scream to the top of my lungs begging the voices to stop. There screams and laughs are causing so much pain to my brain. I started to eat at my own flesh to only have it grow back as the little pink butterflies fill the room with light. The light didn't last long, soon enough the butterflies disappears like they always do.

"Pl-Please, I c-can't think straight." I beg once more shaking my head. This isn't me- hearing voices, seeing things in the dark. But what scares me the most is, this is all so familiar- like I've been through this before.

°Week four°

I pull at my hair as I count to 10 trying to calm myself down and hopefully the voices too- keeping control of my breathing. I'm losing it in here. Awhile ago I was banging my head on the wall, hoping it would shut the voices up. It didn't. The counting didn't help calm me, nor did the door opening.

I jump, covering myself. I had to tear my towel in half- one used to hold up my breast the other to cover my privates. I whimper as I feel someone grabbing my arms- pulling me up and dragging me out of the room. I look up at the person, seeing it's the girl with the long black hair and soulless eyes. She looks down at me but I quickly turn away.

She chuckles under her breath before speak, "Aw don't worry. We're going to take great care of you."

I feel a chill run down my spine, knowing she's lying. We make it too a door on the other end of the hall. She opens the door and throws me in, dumping hot water on me.

I scream, covering myself- body trembling. She grabs a handful of my hair, yanking my head back to look into her cold pinch black eyes. "Stop your stupid whining you bitch!", she said as she drags me to the bed- throwing me on the bed.

Before I could react, my wrist are chained up to the head of the bed. She leans down to my ear and whispers, "I'll be right back." and with that she's gone.

I begin to pull at the chains, frustrated that it didn't break. I sigh, kick the covers up over my body. "What the hell are these people doing to me?", I question- hearing voices laugh. I shake my head a few times wanting them to shut up- they didn't. What is happening to me?

The door opens and I look up- both girls from before entering the room with some type of long rubbery stick a little circular shape at the top. It also had a little switch at the end of the stick. As they walk closer my fear doubles. The black haired girl crawls on top of me, making me whimper.

"Fucking look at me.", she said placing her hand on my neck. I did as told and she smirks. "I'm Jane and the girl laying next to you is Zero."

I look at her in confusion, gazing at zero. Skeleton girl smirks, playing with my hair. I look back over a Jane my focus on the long rubbery stick in her hands. "Pl-Please, don't hurt me." I choke out.

She tightens her grip on my neck, laughing. "Hurt you?"

"I don't think she knows what that is Jane.", zero said.

That comment thought makes Jane smile grow. "I guess she'll find out after this."

Jane rips the little piece of the towel wrapped around my lower half off, shoving the tip of the rubbery thing inside me. I whimper, shaking my head. "N-No wh-what are you do-"

I watch as she flips the switch, my tensing. Eyes widen, I gasp- squirming. Nothing but pleasure was running throw my body as the tip vibrates inside me, but I hate it. I've never made much attention to sex ed in school. Why bother when no one wanted me? Right now, however, I wish I did.

This pleasure is sickening. I never saw girls as a love interest- strangers having their way with me- disgusting. Zero then rip the towel holding up my breast, kissing up and down along my neck and chest- playing around my nipples

I begged, and begged,and BEGGED!- they wouldn't stop. After awhile I feel a knot growing in my stomach. "S-Somethings c-comming out!" I cry, feeling a liquidy substance pour out of me. Panting, Jane removes the tip- white, clearish liquid coating it. She smells it, humming before licking it- her eyes widen. She licks it all up then stares down at me.

"Zero, you need to taste her." Jane said causing them to switch places.

Zero lowers her head down there and licks, making me whimper- shaking my head. "Oh wow! Fruity!", zero cheers.

She forces her tongue inside me. "PLEASE STOP! STOP!" I scream, Jane punching my nose. I blink back my tears, looking into her soulless. "Aw this must've been your first time. Sucks doesn't it? Oh!, oh but no worries because-" she leans down to my ear- licking behind it and whispers, "This is only the beginning."


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