Chapter 7: Her Little Play thing

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Jeff POV

I punch her upside her head, knocking her out cold. I get off of her, zipping up my jeans. I stare at her, feeling my eye twitch from time to time. Stretching before sitting on the side of the bed. I look over at her then back to my knife. I slide my knife down her cheeks.

"One step at a t-time....", I said thinking aloud.

If everything works out like he said it would....She'll be my ticket out of this place! Memories of me distorting my home town no wait.....Liu set up those bombs....and he...SHUT UP NOT NOW! I take a few deep breaths in trying to calm down. I Stand up, walking to the door closing it behind me. I let out a sigh already annoyed with her presence.

"What do you want Jane?"

She looks at me up and down before flaring up her nose. Now I'm more irritated.

"What were you just doing in there?", she ask well....more like demand.

"Wow! you get and look dumber every fucking time I see you. Why else w-would I be in there Jane?"

She mumbles under her breathe before she speaks up again, "Whatever Jeffery now move I can get I-"

I cut her off by placing my hand on the door nob before she touches. "She's sleeping.", I said. She pull out her knife as I mentally roll my eyes, "Oh come on now JJ put the knife away."

"Don't call me that! Today is her last day and I WILL have my fun with her.", she hiss through her teeth.

"Oh shut up she has more shit to go through before she b-becomes one of us......", I feel my hands twitch once I pull away from the door nob and place my hands into my pocket. I fell my knife in my right pocket and rub my thumb over the blade. I smile widely feeling my blood from my now cut thumb drip onto the knife. "But since you so desperately want to kill me all the damn time", I pull out my knife out as I watch the drop of blood flow down the blade. "COME AT ME JJ!"

She charges at me with full force, out knifes clashing against each other as if we are sword fighting. I let out a sigh feeling the boredom wash over me faster than I expect it to. I kick her in her stomach, sending her flying down the hall. I yawn scratching the back of my head.

"This was all fun and games, but I r-really want to go so by-", before I could finish I my beautiful face was met with her ugly black boot.

I fall back hitting my head first on the cold ground. "UGH! YOU FUCKING BIT-", I stand But couldnt attack due to the faceless woman standing in front of Jane. I growl before speaking once more, "Slanderwoman......"

The static sound increases more than usual as I groan in pain, placing my hands on my head. I hear the laughs of Jane while I pull on my hair, wanting the pain to stop.

"Now Jeff......Its not not nice to hit women.....", she said her voice filling my ears. "Apologize to Jane."

I slowly stand to my feet, my legs shaking, "I'm S-Sorry Jane....."

"Good go one to your room. Your presents is no longer needed."

I breath in and out heavily, the pain now leaving my brain but her voice remaining. "Yes Mistress." I walk to my room not taking up much time doing it.

I open the door, slamming it shut before locking it behind me. I clench my fist as well as my jaw,the thoughts of how much I hate this place filling my mind. I punch the wall before pulling out my knife, stabbing the wall as if it was a victim. But I stop, a smile creeping its way to my lips.

"Oh yeah......that's right....there'll all b-buuuuurn to the fucking ground!" I laugh as loudly as I could holding my knife up in the air. The coming.

Carlota POV

I Jump awake out my sleep, the memories of what Jeff did to me flooding my mind. Those thoughts disappeared as I look around my new surrounding. I'm strapped to a table, my body exposed to the warm air in the room. I stare up to see a little light bulb hanging from the ceiling.

" I now?"

"In a special dear girl."

I jump nearly out my skin from the voice I just heard that's coming from my head.

I let out a sigh, "My dear? Since when have you called me nice thing voices?" I said referring to the voices that would normally say harsh and hurtful words.

"But dear......I'm not one of them....look over here love."

the mood in the room suddenly changed.......I'm not alone in here. I turn my head staring deep into the darkest corner of the room. my eyes grow wide as I was about to let out a scream until the thing shot something out of its back and uses it to cover my mouth.

As it moves closer, my body becomes restless. It Shoots out more as those were used to feel up and down my body. I close my eyes tightly shaking my head.

"Shhhhh. I won't hurt you....I'll never hurt you dear. Now relax."

I shake my head again which seems to upset her. One of her tendrils things wraps themselves around my neck. I gasp as the grip tightens, my eyes shooting open. I whimper as her face draws closer to mine. I stare in horror as I watch the area of her mouth is supposed to be begin to form, blood pouring from her now showing mouth as it drips all over my face. My eyes then close again as its voice fills my head once more,

"Now dear I don't want to have to hurt you, but I will if needed. In order to prevent those actions to be taken upon you, you have to do as I tell you. Understand my dear?"

I nod my head quickly before opening my eyes since she might tell me to open them. It smiles before making its mouth retreat back into its face. It back away the tendrils now away from my body and neck. I watch as she seems to be going through something in the dark. It then turn around reliving a large machine as well as all kind of sharp objects doctors use for surgery. my mouth drops opens as I shake my head as fast as I can.

"No....please don't please!"

It moves its head to the side a bit before shaking its own head as it picks up one of the object while putting a headband around my head, attaching one metal stone in one of the holes that's in the headband. It turns it head beginning to work on the machine before answering my cries."

"Oh but dear this is the only way", she turns her head to look at me with her faceless face, "for you to become our chosen proxy. Now lets start the slow....and painful process."

And with that she turns the switch to on, my screams of pain filling the room as the electricity runs through my brain.

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