chapter 4: who are these people?

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Carlotta POV

I slowly open my eyes, regretting it once I feel my brain pound against my skull. I groan, sitting up in whatever I'm laying in. I freeze- shrieking once I see the man that tried to kill me standing on my right. I tried to get up, but something is holding me down. I look at my wrists and ankles, seeing chains bound to the bed. I'm about to scream, but someone's hand covered my mouth.

"Pl-Please don't scream, my head hurts enough. I don't need more pain c-caused to it."

His voice was calming to me. I stared at him. He had on a navy blue hoodie with a mask over his mouth and orange goggles resting on his forehead- his hood over his head. I nod my head, but he still keeps his hand over my mouth.

"Sorry, d-don't want to take any chances. Once you s-see all of us your bound to sc-scream.", he said- his tone flat.

I move my eyes around the room. My eyes are greeted with a par of pitch black ones. She stares back at me with a smirk on her face, one that makes me feel uncomfortable.

I look away, eyes catching the girl next to her. She looks like a skeleton! She has white hair with grayish skin, stitches going along each side of her mouth up to her cheeks, black rings around her eyes, and stripe scarf around her neck.

Looking around, each face scaring me- except for the two males wearing mask. One wearing a navy blue trenchcoat- a red smile painted onto his mask while the other has a white mask with, wearing a yellow trenchcoat. Another has on a blue mask with black liquid oozing out from where the eyes are.

I close my eyes and pulled on the chains which only cause the goggles boy to tighten his grib on my jaw. I whimper and opens my eyes to meet up with his eyes.

"Pl-Please don't! Don't fight. Your not g-going anywhere, and I don't f-feel like be-beheading someone tonight.", he said the look in his eyes shadowed with boredom.

I hear footsteps coming from the opposite side of goggle boy. I spot a girl with golden hair, but her eyes are pitched black with little stars in them. Another girl next to her looks pretty creepy. She has one green eye but the other is- a clock?

I then hear a giggle, feeling pressure on my lap making me to look down. I'm not startled, but my eyes are widen. It's a little girl with sparkling green eyes in a pink dress. She's holding a beat up teddy bear with blood running down her forehead and cuts on her knees and arms. A man picks her up from my lap- his skin strips with a pointy nose, long arms, legs and claws.

"Oh well now look at this beauty!", it said then did a laugh.

Two more then appeared. One with glowing yellow eyes, yellow mouth and yellow looking strings- wearing all black and a french painter hat.
Then there's one with red hair, green eyes- playing with a red toy mouse.

I become more frighten every time someone new enters the room. What did they want with me? Why am I here with these things? Who are they?!

"They're c-coming", goggle boy says.

Static ring in my ears as this huge pain blankets itself over my head. I close my eyes tightly, the pain becoming overwhelming. Once I open my eyes, I trash relentlessly at my chain and goggles hold on me.

A tall pale man dressed in a black suit with a red tie, his faceless face staring down at me. On my other side was a woman. She has long black hair- dressed in a black dress.

I want to scream but this hand is keeping me from doing so! I continue to pull on the chains, trying to escape to no advantage. I'm trapped here- doesn't mean I'm going to stop though.

I bite goggle boy's hand hoping he would move it, but he doesn't so I bite down harder- still nothing. I then taste bloop on my lips, my body shaking even more.

"You sh-should stop. I c-can't feel pain.", he said his grip on my jaw tightening more.

I whimper and shake my head, thrashing around roughly. The boy looks up at the no face man and nods his head, removing his hand from my mouth.

Before I could scream and ask questions a gag is place into my mouth. Tears fall down my face as I watch goggle boy, the guy with the hoodie, the one with the mask, and the guy that brought me here undo my chains- grabbing hold of me. I try to fight them off- of course they're to stronger than me.

Each time I try to pull away their grip becomes tighter. They lead me down some stairs- walking down a long hall. Its cold, very cold. I take a look at my body to see my towel was still on me- that brought resurance, though the fear still remains.

We finally reach the end of the hall as one of them quickly opens the door. The room is nothing but darkness, nothing is in it but spiderwebs- and I hate spiders.

I'm thrown into the room, falling onto the cold, concrete ground. I look up to see no one but the open door. I stand- running to it, but freezes to a pause. The tall man in the black suit is standing in the door way.

My body shakes uncontrollably as the pain enters my head again. I look up at him before my body become numb and my vision blurring. I feel my body fall to the ground- head first. The last thing I hear is a static voice in my ears.

"It's ok now my child. You have been chosen."


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