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Everyone has logged on!

11:28am BabyPrincess: okAY

11:30amMarkie: whAT


11:33am Dongsookie: Idk, shouldn't they be in your room ?

11:34am BabyPrincess: exactly
11:35am BabyPrincess: So where tf are they

11:35am PrinceRenjun: tHE BABIES ARE GONE ?!

11:36am BabyPrincess: apparently so

11:39am Nana: oh noooo !1!1!1!1 What ever shall we do ?12?2?2?22?2

11:42am Markie: Stop being sarcastic Jaemin

11:45am Nana: fine

11:47am JenHOE: Is that why it's been so quiet all morning ?

11:50am Dongsookie: Huh. I guess so

11:52am Nana: no wonder I was able to get REST

11:54am PrinceRenjun: don't be rude

11:57am Nana: fINE

11:58am Markie: I wonder where they could've gone

12:00pm PrinceRenjun: Maybe they had something scheduled for today ?

12:02pm JenHOE: But why would it be just them two ? Why not all of NCT Dream ?

12:03pm PrinceRenjun: Idk

12:05pm Dongsookie: now where's yyyyy/nnnnnn

12:06pm BabyPrincess: I'm right here

12:08pm Markie: where were you ?

12:09pm Nana: Someone's concerned for his girlfriend ;)

12:09pm Markie: -_-
12:09pm Markie: Shut up Jaemin

12:10pm BabyPrincess: I was getting dressed and then I called, and just got off the phone with Jaehyun

12:12pm JenHOE: Really ? Why ?

12:15pm BabyPrincess: idK. I thought I'd call Jaehyun to ask where Chenle and Jisung are

12:16pm PrinceRenjun: annnndddd ??

12:17pm BabyPrincess: They're out in Seoul -_-

12:19pm Markie: Who else is there ?

12:22pm BabyPrincess: Does that really matter ?

12:23pm Markie: I guess not

12:24pm BabyPrincess: What really matters is the fact that they didn't invite me

12:25pm Dongsookie: But you get to stay here and have fun with us :)

12:27pm BabyPrincess: You guys aren't fun wtf

12:29pm Nana: R00D

12:30pm BabyPrincess: Whateves. I'm gunna go hang with Winwin and Ten

12:32pm PrinceRenjun: mhm. Whatever. Do that. We don't care anyways

12:33pm BabyPrincess: K. Bye.

BabyPrincess has logged off!


12:35pm Dongsookie: Uh. I think she's gone

12:36pm JenHOE: Really ? I couldn't tell

12:37pm Dongsookie: You don't have to be mean about it

12:40pm Markie: You guys wanna go get something to eat ?

12:41pm Nana: You're not going to go with your girl ?

12:41pm Markie: She's not my girl Jaemin -_-

12:43pm Nana: You keep telling yourself that

12:44pm Markie: omg k whatever

12:48pm Markie: are we getting food or not ?

12:48pm JenHOE: YES

12:49pm PrinceRenjun: YES WE ARE

12:50pm Markie: Okay then. Let's go

12:51pm Dongsookie: Okiieee

12:52pm Nana: You're not going to ask Y/n to come ?

12:53pm Markie: Shes hanging with her Ten and Winwin oppas >.>

12:54pm JenHOE: *whispers* jealous

12:54pm Markie: I'm not jealous

12:55pm PrinceRenjun: okAY

12:56pm Markie: Let's just go get food -_-

12:57pm Nana: Okay 😂

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