25 | 이싶오

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JenHOE, Nana and 4 others have logged on!

2:13pm JenHOE: i'm confused

2:15pm Nana: why ?

2:16pm JenHOE: did y/n and jisung break up ?

2:17pm JisungPwark: no

2:18pm JenHOE: then why have i seen mark and y/n hanging out a lot ?

2:20pm Dongsookie: yeah. i noticed that too. i also see her going into his room a lot

2:21pm SadWhale: that's exactly why i moved in with you, donghyuck. i've seen them kiss too

2:22pm Dolphin: oh my gosh, is y/n cheating ??

2:25pm JisungPwark: nope.

2:26pm JenHOE: then what's going on ?

2:27pm JisungPwark: a poly

2:29pm Nana: oooohhhh

2:30pm Dongsookie: she seems to be spending a lot of time with mark though-

2:32pm JisungPwark: ik

2:33pm Dolphin: speaking of which, where are those two ?

2:34pm SadWhale: did they leave ?

2:36pm JisungPwark: nope. and i don't want to know what they're doing

2:37pm SadWhale: me neither-

2:40pm JisungPwark: ya know, if i would've known that it was going to be like this, i wouldn't have agreed to it

2:41pm Nana: :0 really ?

2:42pm JisungPwark: yeah. i would've made her choose.

2:43pm Dongsookie: dang

2:44pm JenHOE: are you going to stay with her ?

2:46pm JisungPwark: it depends. if she continues to not acknowledge me, then maybe i won't.

2:46pm Dongsookie: oof

2:47pm JisungPwark: she seems to really like mark though

2:48pm SadWhale: just do whatever makes you happy jisung

2:49pm JisungPwark: being with her is what makes me happy. but she seems to prefer mark

2:50am Dolphin: aw, i'm always here for you jisungie :(

2:51pm JisungPwark: thank you lele

2:51pm Dolphin: no problem <3

2:52pm JenHOE: well. i wish you luck on your relationship jisung

2:53pm Nana: yeah. me too. i hope things work out for you

2:54pm JisungPwark: thanks

2:55pm Dongsookie: and don't be sad !!

2:56pm JisungPwark: i'll try

2:57pm SadWhale: aww, i'll make you some food baby :(

SadWhale has logged off!

2:58pm Dolphin: do you want cuddles ? ;(

2:59pm JisungPwark: sure

3:00pm Dolphin: okay !

Dolphin has logged off!

JisungPwark has logged off!

3:02pm Nana: so what do you think is going to happen between those two ?

3:03pm Dongsookie: oh they're definitely going to get together

3:04pm JenHOE: exactly

3:05pm Nana: you think so too jeno ?

3:05pm JenHOE: yup

3:06pm Nana: same

3:07pm Dongsookie: we'll see what happens~

3:08pm Nana: true

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