END : 5 , VER. 천러 / A

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"well, i choose..." i paused for a moment. "chenle!" "huh?" i looked over at chenle, confused. "you pick chenle!" "yeah, actually.. how'd you know..?"

"wait- i was right?" "yeah." "like actually?" "yes, you were." "oh. yay!""yay?" "yeah! yay! you pick me!" a smile slowly spread across my face.

"you wanted me to pick you?" "obviously! now, please be my girlfriend! pretty pleaseee~?" i couldn't help but laugh. he sometimes had these childish tendencies that were quite cute, yet fairly funny.

"of course i'll be your girlfriend! i wouldn't want anything else!" "let's go on a date right now!" chenle squealed, quickly getting up from his seat.

"wha- right now? i don't think i'm properly dressed for a date!" "then change quickly!" "i- okay," i said and rushed over to my room, picking out an outfit. i quickly changed and walked back out.

"i'm done, chenle," i said as i pushed the door to his room open. "me too!" he said as he grabbed his phone from his bed.

i smiled and held my hand out for him. he quickly took it and lead me out. "be careful you two! come back soon!" renjun called out as we walked out the door.

"so, why the sudden date?" i stuffed my hands into the pockets of my coat. it was a bright, cold day in seoul, with some slight winds.

"i've always wanted to go on a cute date, but i've never had anyone to take on one. so, now that i have you, the first thing we're doing is going on a date!" "that's very cute. but um, exactly where are we going?"

"you know that nice ramen shop that's pretty close to here?" "mm, yeah i believe so. we're going there?" "yup! and after, we can either get bubble tea or ice cream!"

"why can't we just get both?" "do you want both?" "uh, of course! why pick?!" i laughed. "you're right! good point!"

i suddenly stopped walking. chenle continued on, not noticing. i looked at him, smiling softly. he finally stopped when he noticed i wasn't walking beside him. "y/n? what are you doing?" he turned around, walking towards me.

"you know, i'm glad we're doing this. going out on a date. well, i'm glad we're dating in general, to be honest. you're just.. how do i put this?"

i looked up at the sky, thinking for a moment. "well. the simplest way i can put it is, i love you for you, and all that you are. you're an amazing, fun, lovable person. i'm glad i can call you mine."

he quickly pulled me into a tight hug. i was a bit shocked but hugged back just as tight.

"thank you, for saying yes. you're the best thing that could've ever happened to me."

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