16 | 싶육

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BabyPrincess has added LordTaeyong to the chat!

1:27am BabyPrincess: seriously ?

1:29am LordTaeyong: what ?

1:30am BabyPrincess: your username

1:31am LordTaeyong: leave me alone

1:33am BabyPrincess: lol okay, anyways, taeyongie ;(

1:34am LordTaeyong: what's wrong princess ? :(

1:35am BabyPrincess: i'm not sure what to do

1:37am LordTaeyong: about what ?

1:38am BabyPrincess: jisung and i

1:40am LordTaeyong: what exactly do you mean ?

1:43am BabyPrincess: well-

1:45am LordTaeyong: is it because you actually like mark ? because i figured that you did

1:46am BabyPrincess: no-

1:48am LordTaeyong: oh- then what's up-

1:49am BabyPrincess: something happened between jisung and i

1:50am LordTaeyong: did you two get in a fight or something ?

1:51am BabyPrincess: not exactly. more like the complete opposite

1:52am LordTaeyong: oh ?
1:52am LordTaeyong: oh-
1:52am LordTaeyong: oH
1:52am LordTaeyong: did you two do what i think you two did-

1:53am BabyPrincess: what do you think we did-

1:54am LordTaeyong: did you two have seccs

1:55am BabyPrincess: taeyong, i'm not like chenle or jisung, even though i'm younger

1:56am LordTaeyong: right-
1:56am LordTaeyong: did you and jisung have sex

1:57am BabyPrincess: well.. you see

1:58am LordTaeyong: yup. you did. oh my gosh. you're growing up too fast wtF

1:58am BabyPrincess: i- woULD YOU LET ME FINISH ?!

1:59am LordTaeyong: oh- sorry, please continue

2:00am BabyPrincess: anyways, jisung and i kissed.. for a while.. and other things almost happened but- i stopped them from happening

2:02am LordTaeyong: oh-
2:02am LordTaeyong: and you don't know what to do why ??

2:03am BabyPrincess: i don't know..
2:03am BabyPrincess: i kind of.. wanted to continue but i felt that it was wrong since we're still pretty young

2:04am LordTaeyong: oh, i see

2:05am BabyPrincess: yeahh..

2:07am LordTaeyong: well.. you see, at this age, you two are discovering things and might want to try things.. and i can understand that
2:09am LordTaeyong: i know you two are getting some urges, and because you're boyfriend and girlfriend you want to do things with each other
2:11am LordTaeyong: in my opinion, i think you two should wait, but if things end up happening, just make sure he wears a condom and play nicely

2:12am BabyPrincess: welp
2:13am BabyPrincess: this is officially the most embarrassing moment in my life
2:13am BabyPrincess: but thank you taeyong, i love how i can always count on you

2:14am LordTaeyong: aw, you're welcome y/n, you can come to me anytime

2:15am BabyPrincess: you won't tell anyone about this though, right ?

2:16am LordTaeyong: maybe ten or jaehyun

2:16am BabyPrincess: wha- nO DONT

2:17am LordTaeyong: i'm just kidding~ dont worry~ i'm not going to tell anyone

2:19am BabyPrincess: oKay thank you, ily ;~; ♡

2:20am LordTaeyong: ilyt ♡

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