17 | 싶칠

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Everyone has logged on!

1:03pm BabyPrincess: mARK YOU'RE WITH DONGHYUCK ?!

1:04pm Nana: boy, pay up

1:04pm Markie: what ? no !

1:05pm BabyPrincess: that's not what chenle said !

1:05pm Dongsookie: CHENLE

1:06pm SadDolphin: y/n that's not what i said > <

1:06pm BabyPrincess: oh-

1:07pm Markie: then what did you say ?

1:08pm PrinceRenjun: yes what did you say ? i'm curious to know

1:09pm SadDolphin: i just told her what happened in the chat the other day-

1:10pm BabyPrincess: yeah lmao. i just wanted to see if mark or haechan would be like "wHo tOlD yOu ?!"

1:10pm Markie: oh wow-

1:11pm Nana: hey y/n

1:13pm BabyPrincess: yeah ?

1:14pm Nana: i have a question to ask you

1:16pm BabyPrincess: oh ? what is it ?

1:17pm Nana: i heard some people talking the other day

1:19pm BabyPrincess: i hear people talking all the time-

1:20pm Nana: these people were talking about you and jisung

1:21pm SadDolphin: ooooohhhhh

1:21pm JisungPwark: hush chenle

1:22pm SadDolphin: okay-

1:24pm BabyPrincess: what were they saying about me and jisung ?

1:25pm Nana: is it true that you had sex with jisung ?

Markie has logged off!

1:25pm PrinceRenjun: excuse me-

1:25pm Dongsookie: woah. wasn't expecting that question

1:26pm BabyPrincess: no, that's not true

1:27pm Nana: so then, taeyong would just make this up ?

1:28pm BabyPrincess: that, or you heard wrong
1:28pm BabyPrincess: and knowing you, na jaemin, you probably heard wrong, because you only hear what you want to hear

1:28pm JenHOE: *grabs popcorn*

1:29pm BabyPrincess: also, jaemin, why'd you have to ask that here ? you could've asked me privately

1:29pm Nana: so are you admitting it ?

1:30pm BabyPrincess: no, i'm saying you scared off mark, and that's a topic that should be discussed in private

1:32pm Nana: and you're concerned why ?

1:33pm BabyPrincess: because i don't want him, or anyone else for that matter, thinking about things that aren't true

1:34pm Nana: why ?


BabyPrincess has logged off!

1:36pm PrinceRenjun: good going jaemin

1:37pm Nana: lmao thanks

1:37pm JisungPwark: did you make her mad on purpose ?

1:38pm Nana: idk-

1:39pm JisungPwark: you're an ass

JisungPwark has logged off!

1:40pm PrinceRenjun: hEY NO CUSSING

PrinceRenjun has logged off!

1:41pm Dongsookie: do you believe y/n

1:42pm JenHOE: part of me believes her but the other part is pretty skeptical

1:42pm Nana: no

1:42pm Dongsookie: i kind of believe her

1:43pm SadDolphin: why don't you guys go and ask taeyong yourselves

1:45pm Nana: he'd never tell us the truth

1:46pm Dongsookie: let's bribe him

1:47pm SadDolphin: or just keep repeating "ty track"

1:47pm JenHOE: true

1:48pm Nana: should we ?

1:49pm JenHOE: yes

1:50pm Nana: okay- let's go !

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