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After his father was finished with him, Lance got off the floor and stumbled into the bathroom.

His nose was bleeding and he whispered a cuss under his breath as he looked in the mirror.

"How am I suppose to cover this up?"

He got out make up that he had used for the scars and small bruises, but it was hard to hide such big bruises with the rest of his makeup.

Lance didn't like his life, his junior year was really hard for him. His mom died and with that it felt like so had his family.

His father never beat him before. They were a happy family, and his mom was even thinking of having another child. Lance's dad was nice and never drank but now Lance didn't think he ever saw his dad sober anymore.

Lance just wanted to leave leave this earth and everything behind, 'I am worthless, who would even care if I was gone' I all Lance could think.

So he added some more scars to his arm and climbed out his bedroom window and headed somewhere, anywhere really he just didn't want to be there.

Lance walked to the park hoping to clear his head and got up on the top of a little 2 story metal playground. Lance put his earbuds in his ears and started to play his music.


The next day Lance used the rest of his makeup to hide his scars and bruises and put on a hoodie so no one would notice, 'but then again who would care'.

Lance felt so alone. Math class was so boring he didn't feel like doing anything so he got out his book and started reading about living amongst the stars, and how peaceful it must be up there.

When the bell rang he slowly picked up his stuff flipped up his hoodie and walked to his next class.

"Hey Lance.... you ok?" He looked up to see who it was, it was Hunk with a small Pidge right behind him. "Uhh sure. Ya" is what he managed before entering the class and setting down his stuff and placing his bag by his desk.

Pidge walked up to him "So..Lance you know you can talk to us, uh me, about anything, right?" Lance looked up at her and scowled "Ya whatever". Pidge began to say something when the teacher walked in and yelled for everyone to take a seat.

Pidge scurried back to her desk which was sat right next to Hunk.

Lance mumbled to himself "Oh we care about we sure do,". "Just talk to us" he scowled again 'ya right, I highly doubt you do you. Probably just want to make yourself feel better'.

Lunch was the same, he just went into the library and sat at a small table in the corner, so no one could bother him. 'Ha, as if someone wanted to bother me. You think anyone really cares about you all too much Lancey Lance. Don't flatter yourself.' He thought, having a mental conversation with himself.

He didn't eat lunch that day, like most days. It wasn't really that he was trying to he just seem not hungry.

So he put one headphone in and turned on his music, Medicine by Daughter and most of there other songs. He liked the singer's voice, it was soothing to him.

He put his head down and thought back to when it was better. Tears started to well up.

He got a text from someone that said "Hey Lance where are you?"

He put his phone down without answering and tried to block out everything going wrong.

Ok well,
I promise I don't hate Lance I just feel like crap and I'm putting my emotions into this??? Idk. I might not really keep doing this but ??

My mind won't work (Klance/Langst)Where stories live. Discover now