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Lance's breath started to calm down and he finally got out of the stall after he heard the first bell signaling to get to class.

When he opened the stall door he didn't care for the bell nor did he care if he was late to class so he brought his bag out and put it on the counter as he started to wash his face. Some kids were still in the bathroom, a boy and a girl sitting on the counter in the corner of the bathroom close to where the window was so that they could smoke without teachers knowing.

Lance could've listened to what they were talking about but the voices in his head were too loud he couldn't concentrate. 'Keith didn't care, he just felt guilty probably or wanted Lance to be his little project.' Is what the voices kept saying.

The tardy bell rang and the smokers started to leave, the girl stopped when she got to Lance and grabbed his butt and winked at him. Lance just brushed it off and she and the boy laughed and left the bathroom.

He splashed more water in his face and grabbed his bag. He headed out to first period.

Every time he passed a door that led outside he wondered if he should just skip school. But he didn't.

He slowly walked to his first period, English IV, when he walked by and saw Keith in his Geometry class head in his hands. He wished he could get closer to Keith, like they were before his mom died but he knew it wouldn't be the same. He was afraid. He just thought that his friends just pitied him, he thought they were better off without him. That they would be happier.

But they weren't.

It was 3rd period Latin and he really didn't want to 4th period GT because Hunk, Pidge, and Keith would be there and he couldn't stand Keith's looking at him the way he did. Not only that but but Mr.Coran knew when things were up with someone. It wasn't his business and he just wanted to be alone.


Keith almost leapt out of his seat when the bell to leave 3rd period rang. He was heading out the door when someone grabbed his arm.

"Keith!"The girl drew out the 'eith'. He turned around and recognized who it was and rolled his eyes so much he could've sworn he saw his brain.

"How have you been?" She laughed playfully hitting his arm lightly.

"Uhh. Good ya." Keith replied wanting to get away to his next class cause he needed to talk to Lance as soon as he could.

"That's great! Um so, how's Shiro?" She finally blurt it out. Keith was expecting the question. It's the only reason Mindy talks to him, being Shiro's ex and all.

"Fine, I have to go soo..." Keith started to turn around but her arm wouldn't budge from its spot holding Kieth in place. But Keith managed to pull his arm free with more effort than he should've needed.

Mindy scowled and turned on her heels with a hmph and went out the door on the other side of the classroom.


Keith practically ran to GT to go see Lance but when he got there Lance wasn't in the class.

Keith started to panic but then he noticed that Lance's bag was on his chair so he went over to the table at the far end of the classroom.

"He just went to the bathroom, chill." Hunk said walking up to Keith. "Although he did look like something was bothering him."

Keith waited for Lance to enter the classroom but a couple minutes after the bell rang and Mr.Coran began to teach them about the cosmos and how far apart everything was, he wanted to check on Lance. So Keith raised his hand and asked Mr.Coran if he could be excused to go to the bathroom. Mr.Coran allowed it and proceeded to explain why Sirius was one of the best stars and that the Dogon tribe knew about it even though they shouldn't, blah blah blah, Coran never made sense till he finished.

So Keith got up and left the classroom. But when he approached the bathroom he heard loud, heavy breathing. Keith walked into the bathroom and noticed it was Lance and he was pretty sure he was having a panic attack by the sound of it, so he slowly walked up to the closed stall door and knocked on it.

"G-Go aw-away" Lance mumbled out. Keith knew that he needed to help his friend and that leaving him wouldn't help.

"Lance.... please open up" Keith quietly said through the door.

"N-n-no." Keith sighed at Lance's response, placing his head on the door and leaning his hand on the top of the stall.

"Lance I know you are going through some things, but you know I'm here for you. I'm not trying to pity you but I don't want you to feel alone." Lance thought about it and he remembered that Keith knew what he was going through with his mom's death except Keith lost both parents. He felt like an idiot, and he thought maybe now he could tell Keith what's been going on, maybe not all of it but something's just to get it off his chest.

"Lance, you are my best friend and I don't want to loose you. You are so nice and make me laugh when I'm feeling down." Keith said, exhaling a shaky laugh, shaking his head smiling like a goof. Lance couldn't help but smile remembering the good times, playing old video games at his house.

Lance hadn't noticed but his breathing started to slow and he began to calm down, he still wasn't 100% ok but he was getting there.

He slowly got up and fumbled at the lock as Keith stepped back. And when he finally opened the door there were still tear in his eyes. Keith stood there a few feet away happy that he got Lance to open up.

They shifted awkwardly. Keith wasn't really sure what to do know.

"Are you gonna hug me or what?" Lance mumbled with a small smile, and Keith slowly wrapped his arms around the slightly taller boy. They stood there hugging until someone walked in and saw them and quickly turned and left, then they let go.

Keith looked up at Lance wondering what was going on inside that head of his.

Lance looked back at Keith with his baby blue eyes, making Keith blush slightly.

"You ready to go back to class? Coran is talking about the stars." Keith said knowing that would help, anything with the stars Lance loved it.

Lance nodded his head and they walked out of the bathroom to go back to class.

This is the most I have typed on here wtf and I did it all in one sitting.

My mind won't work (Klance/Langst)Where stories live. Discover now