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"Why the fuck won't he answer?" Pidge said looking down at her phone. "Keith tries to call him again he likes you more."

Keith furrowed his brows but obliged. "He isn't answering. It's been 2 days."

Lance's contact flashed one the screen.
Ocean child is calling

"Wait shh."

Keith answered and put the phone to his ear.

"H-" he cleared his throat, "hey. Lance?"

There was a pause.
"Sorry no, this is Sebastian again. I- Lance," a deep breath, "he isn't doing well."

Keith wasn't sure to feel anger or sadness, but he knew the first of those more so he stuck with that, "What do you mean he isn't doing well! DID YOU HURT LANCE?!"

Sebastian lowered his voice, "n-no. He is at the Annette B Dunt psy-" he swallowed the spit that builds up in his throat. "Psychiatric hospital."

Keith's eyes started to water, "he didn't- please don't tell me he tried-"

"I have to go, I shouldn't say anymore."

Keith dropped the phone without hanging up.

"What?" Pidge grabbed his arm and shook his shoulders.

Keith didn't say anything.

He couldn't say anything.

He wanted to punch something.

But when he looked into Pidge's eyes he just broke. Everything was wrong and out of place. He wanted to scream and yell. But he just cried.

Pidge did eventually get the whole story out of him and she couldn't help but hug Keith even tighter. They wished Hunk was there because he gave the best hugs but his mom and little sister and he went to the beach for a weekend.

A few minutes later went by and Keith got a notification on his phone.
It was an unknown ID

Unknown ID
This is Sebastian, Lance's brother-in-law and this is my number just so you can call me directly to check up on Lance

Keith wiped his eyes and sent a reply.

To Unknown
Okay thank you, could you please update me with any information.

Pidge took his phone and also asked.

Also, would it be ok if I were to visit to make sure he is ok, not that I don't trust you.

It's just...

From Sebastian
I understand, but he is still barely conscious at the moment and after he wakes up he will need to stay at the hospital for awhile.

I will tell you if anything thing changes and when you can see him.


Pidge rubbed Keith's back and pointed to the TV, "you wanna watch some Supernatural."


Long story short the night was filled with awkward sad silence. Shiro was at the Holt's house hanging out with Matt and Allura they played Oregon Trail. Keith and Shiro left around 12.

Shiro could tell that something was wrong, but he stayed silent for the car ride. He didn't know how to ask without making it awkward.

When they got home Keith quickly walked inside and ran upstairs.

Their mom turned to Shiro, "what's up with him?"

Shiro frowned, "I don't know, I can go ask."

She shook her head, "please do, and also go to bed at a reasonable time, please. Your father and I wanted for us all to go to breakfast together before he leaves and I don't want you all cranky."

"Ya, alright."

Shiro went upstairs and turned into Keith's room. The shower was on and no one was in the room. Shiro turned to leave but was stopped by quiet sobbing from the bathroom. He put his ear to the door and knocked. The sobbing stopped, there were sounds of shuffling around before the door slowly unlocked and opened.

"What?" Keith broke out quietly as he opened the door with no shirt on.

Shiro just gave him a warm smile and opened his arms as a greeting for a hug. Keith frowned with his eyes threatening to cry, he opened the door all the way and fell into Shiro's warm embrace.

"Hey is everythi- oh darling." Their mom walked in to check on Keith and heard his sobs, they both hugged Keith so tight.

After Keith wasn't crying as much Mrs. Takashi told Shiro to head to bed, but she stayed with Keith, moving him to the bed.

"Honey, would you like to talk about it?"

Keith shrugged.

"Keith, you know you can tell me anything right?"

Keith nodded his head. God his mother could get anything out of him, just with her stare. But he didn't want to tell her about Lance, instead, he told her something else that he was wanting to tell her.

"I-I'm gay."

Mrs. Takashi froze but soon moved he hand to push Keith's bangs out of the way.

"Is that what all of this is about." She gestured to his red puffy eyes. Keith nodded his head, even though it really wasn't.

"It's Lance isn't it."

How did she know, nobody could have told her. Pidge wouldn't have told her parents so there no way she could-

"You like him don't you."

Oh ok, she doesn't kno-

"Wait what?!" Mrs. Takashi smiled and patted his knee.

"Honey a mother knows these things." She tapped her finger to her temple and smiled gently.

Keith's eyes started to blur and his lips pressed into a thin line. The reality of the question was weighing on him. He knew he had a crush on Lance, he had just never admitted it out loud, let alone to anyone.

"You don't have to answer right away, but I do want to come back to this subject." She patted his leg, "I want to be there for you whenever you need me." Keith nodded his head, "So no more crying K?" Keith looked at his adopted mother and gave no indication of agreeing, so she awkwardly started her way out if the room.

"Wait. Uh, it's not all about that." Lilian turned around and furrowed her brows worriedly.

"Honey what-"

"He got hurt, and- and I'm really worried about him."

She furrowed her brows and looked down at him questionably, "Oh Honey, what happened?"

Keith didn't want to tell her all of it and get her all worked up, "He got in an accident and he's h-hurt pretty bad." It was an understatement, his best friend almost bled to death because he hated himself so much. Don't think of that not now.

Lilian didn't say anything instead she sat back down on the bed and hugged her youngest son.

Keith fell asleep in his mother's arms.
It felt right.

My mind won't work (Klance/Langst)Where stories live. Discover now