11-Lime Chips

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"What are you talking about? They're revolting!"

"How dare you! Take it back!"

"No, I refuse"

"Guys please calm down."

"No, not until Lance apologizes."

"Excuse me. I'm not the one who eats friken Lime Chips, like a heathen!"
Lance said as he pointed a finger in Keith's direction.

"Can y'all stop flirting."

Keith and Lance both squawked and turned their attention to a smirking Pidge. Hunk could barely hold his giggles in.

Lance started "We-" he straightened up "we were not" he said with a low voice.
"Right Keith?"

Keith was a blushing furiously and frozen.

Lance poked his shoulder, "Right Keith"

Keith shook his head, "y-ya. Right."

Pidge and Hunk were a giggling mess. But Lance just stared at Keith with a small smirk on his face.

Keith finally looked back at Lance just as the bell rang, "Lime Chips are the best, screw you."

5th period was easy for both of the boys. But 6th period made Lance want to fade out of existence.

It was AP physics and there was a test that he didn't study for. Sure maybe he doesn't really "study" all that much but he would at least look over somethings he wasn't sure on. Or maybe ask Hunk what the whole test would be.

But a thought came to his head, it was his dad.
"You're no good! JUST GIVE UP! No one would even notice."
That was the first to many 'compliments' his father would give him.

But now that he looks back Lance noticed that his father had kinda always been abusive not physically but emotionally, mentally and verbally. He always knew how to make Lance's mom shut up when he wanted her to.

That was all Lance could think of from the last few minutes of 5th period to pretty much all of 6th period, the test was horrible he couldn't focus on anything. But the teacher said he could come early in the morning to finish, he thanked her and headed out to 7th period.

Is seventh period was like it always was, but Lance was dreading going home. His father would definitely be mad about him being disrespectful, God why did he do that.

'You're such an idiot Lance, why did you think that was a good idea.' Was what Lance was thinking. At first him standing up to his dad made I'm feel empowered but now he was just so anxious, he was practically pulling out his hair. That was until someone walked into the classroom with a note.

It meant someone's parents are here to pick them up, Lance knew it wasn't him, his father would never do that. His mother use to pick him up when he wasn't feeling good. Little things like that sometimes made him nostalgia, he was getting used to not having his mom but sometimes little things will remind him of what he didn't have. He felt like he didn't even have a family anymore.

"Lance McClain you're leaving early."
Lance didn't know if he heard that right. His head perked up and he looked to the teacher.

"Well? Come on." Lance shyly walked to the teacher's desk. He grabbed the note and went back to his desk to pick up his stuff. Lance couldn't stop looking at the note to make sure it really was for him.

He walked to the front office shuffling his feet the whole way. He saw Pidge in the hallway and waved to her. Pidge walked over to Lance.

"Where are you going, Lance?"

"Uhh, I don't know." He raised his note to show her.

"Lucky. This is so boring." She pointed behind her to her class that was hanging up signs around school. Lance just smiled in return.

"Katie, stop messing around." Pidge's teacher called for the smaller of the two, in return Pidge rolled her eyes.

She grumbled under her breath "I've told them so many times to call me Pidge, but do they care-"

"Ms.Holt, now!"

Pidge turned on her heels and saluted to Lance.

"By Lance."

"Bye Pidge."

Lance walked into the front office to see his older sister sitting in one of the front office chairs with her 2 sons, her daughter no where to be seen.(probably with her husband)

She looked up to see Lance, and she gave him a gentle smile. When her son Anthony, Toni for short, saw Lance his face grew into an over joyful smile. And he jumped down from his chair and ran to Lance.

"Tio Lance!!" He ran up to Lance with arms wide.

Lance picked him up, "oy, your gettin' big aren't you, Tony." Lance began to tickle the little child. His laughter echoing in the small office.

Lance's sister waved to the office lady and said, "it's so good to see you again, Brenda. Have a nice day." Then she picked up her other child, Christopher and tuned to Lance nodding towards the door.


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