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Lance woke up Monday morning with a smile on his face. Sure him and his dad still weren't the best but he felt like today might be different.

So he got out of bed put on his blue and purple button up. He looked in the mirror, that was a mistake. He didn't look bad, and you couldn't really see his bruises. But when he looked at himself he just saw a sad little kid with problems trying to be happy but knowing he can't.

"What am I doing?" He sighed. Looking down.

"Fuck it." He put on his army green coat over his button down, zipping it up. He grabbed his bag headed out his bedroom as quiet as he could. So his dad wouldn't have any reason to yell at him. But he heard a hushed argument occurring in the kitchen. He slowly walked in, recognizing who was talking in the kitchen.

It was his older sister Marisela, he was surprised to see her here, considering she lived 5 hours away and she had he 3 kids to deal with.

"Mari? What are you doing here?" Lance asked, Marisela turned around her frown turned to a painful smile.

"Lance!" She turned back to her father glaring daggers at him, he just raised his hands and turned around with a tired look. He opened the fridge only to scrunch up his nose because there was barely anything to eat.

Lance was scared to look at his eyes. Mari must have notice because she lead him to the dinning room table and sat him down.

"How you been?" She looked away, Lance knew she knew the response so he didn't answer.

"I-I mean I know it's been hard." She laughed a fake laugh, "I know you and mamá where really close. If I'm being honest me and mamá weren't as close as we could've been in the end." She looked distressed as she brushed her hair out of her face. "I can't do much but if you need anything." She looked back at their dad, "I mean anything, Lance"

Lance gulped, "I know, Mari."


"Mari I have to go," he stood up grabbing his bag. "It was really nice seeing you but I have to go to school."

Marisela stood up, "I-i can take you to school."

Lance didn't stop walking towards the door, "It's fine Keith can take me or something." But he was stopped on his way to the door with a firm grip.

"Don't disrespect your sister like that."
Lance blankly looked at his father that was staring down at him. Lance yanked his arm out of his father's grip.
"Don't-" he said, trying to be strong but his voice failed him.
"Just don't," he looked where his sister was sitting, witnessing this with a hard expression towards their dad. Lance looked back to his father, "not now."

With that he left, he sighed heavily but he had a small smile for standing up for himself.

He called Keith to meet up at the beginning of their neighborhood(ish thing). He agreed and Lance also called Pidge as he walked passed her house.

"Hey Lance!" Pidge said a little too loud than needed.

Pidge quickly got ready and ran out the door almost falling down the steps to the street, but managed to catch her self.

They only had to walk a little before they saw Keith and sprint-walked to him.

Keith had a small blush appeared on his cheeks when Lance looked at him. Pidge must have noticed looking over at Lance, she noticed the nice button up.

"Ooh Lance lookin' fancy!" She nudged Keith, "don't you think Lance looks noice?" Keith blushed more looking away. Keith cleared his throat, his voice deeper than intended.

"Uh ya. Sure, ya."

Lance blushed at Keith's comment snickering along with Pidge.

They walked together talking about random things that popped into their heads. Meeting Hunk at school. And for once, slightly ready for school.


I know I haven't updated in a while but I was busy with holidays and finals. Along with getting into going to school again so ya here.

Also so like in this Lance does have siblings but they are married and out of the house. And I guess I put Pidge kinda like gender-fluid but like just kinda chill about it.

My mind won't work (Klance/Langst)Where stories live. Discover now