12- Mari

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Lance and Marisela left the school each holding a little boy. Toni was so excited to see his uncle. But Christopher just glared back at him, it wasn't that he didn't like Lance he was just really shy and was definitely a momma's boy. When they walked up to the blue mini-van Marisela's husband, Sebastian, got out of the passenger seat holding Lance's niece, Anna. He opened the back door and both of the boys ran in the back then Sebastian set Anna in her car seat. He then turned to Lance and put his hand out for a handshake, Lance shook his hand firmly.

Sebastian smiled and pulled Lance into a hug then ruffled his hair as he pulled away,
"It's really nice to see you, mijo. You're growing into a real good man. I can tell."

Lance smiled shyly then turned to his sister, "so..."

Her head nodded up at him, "ahh yes right, well. Uh, you can put your bags in the back."

Lance did as his sister said and went to sit in the back but Sebastian grabbed his shoulder. "No you can sit in the front."

"You sure."

"Yeah, you don't want to be next to them when they are bored. Plus Anna is a little cranky and I can calm her down."

"Uh, ok." Lance scratched the back of his neck and climes into the front seat.

"Sorry it's a bit of a mess." Mari said as she was turning on the car.

"It's fine, it's what you can expect with 3 children."

"We sure did make a mess when we were kids." Mari hoped she wasn't making him remember times that hurt.

But Lance just smiled, "heh, ya. We did."

After a while of a mostly silent car ride Lance was getting irritated.

"So, uh why'd you pick me up early." Mari didn't look at Lance instead she looked in the rear view mirror to her husband who just sighed.

She looked at Lance, "Well we thought... that maybe it'd be good to stay with us at our house for just a little while.... you know like, uh-"

"Like a little break." Sebastian added.

"Yes, like a little break." Mari looked at Lance looking tense.

"Tio Lance is staying with us?!" Toni yelled with glee. "YAYYY!!" Christopher smiled shyly to his brother then to Lance. But someone wasn't very happy. Anna started to cry.

"Hey, Toni what did we say about yelling. Anna doesn't like it and I just got her calmed down." Toni just frowned. "I mean it Toni,"

"Ok I'm sorry Papá." He leaned forward in his seat and put his hand on Anna's shoulder "I'm sorry Anna" he said softly.

Lance was still confused.
"Wait. Not that I don't love you or anything but, what? Why?"

Maria looked at Lance with a concerned expression that made Lance shift uncomfortably in his seat.

"Lance we-" she looked behind her noticing the eyes trained on her.
"We can talk about this later."

Lance really was to tired to argue so he just slouched in his chair and looked out the window.

When they pulled into the driveway Toni was really excited to get out and go into the house but his mom told him not now so Sebastian stayed in the car with the 3 kids. Christopher was already asleep and Anna was going to be passed out in no time but Toni was still pouting.

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