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The next day Lance got on his bus. He woke up too late to really start his day and hide everything so he just put a large gray hoodie and decided that he'll keep his head down.

When the bus arrived at school he hopped off and started to head inside when someone yelled his name and ran over.

"Lance! Hey wait up!" Keith yelled.
Lance stopped in his tracks and remembered what he looked like and started to shuffle away as fast as he could without drawing attention to him.

But Keith was to fast, "Lance.." Keith put his hand on Lance's shoulder. Lance flinched slightly at the touch and debated what to do. Instead of facing his problems head on Lance jerked his shoulder away, scowled, ducked into the bathroom, and hid in an open stall.

Keith didn't follow Lance he just stayed frozen wondering what he could do to help his friend. And that was when his own shoulder was grabbed, taking him out of his trance, it was Hunk.

"Hey Keith what's-" he was happy until his eyes met Keith's. "Keith, um you good?".

Keith looked up at Hunk, "Um, I don't know" Hunks face turned into confusion and said with soft voice, "You, uh, want to talk about it". Keith thought for awhile, Hunk had been a long time friend of Lance's maybe he can help him. "Ya," Keith looked around, there were still some people kinda staring at him from his dispute with Lance, "maybe, um somewhere more quiet.".

Hunk nodded and they walked to there GT class, (it's a program GT means Gifted and Talented it's for students that are really creative and stuff, if you don't have that) Mr.Coran's classroom.

When they walked in Coran was looking in his small table side mirror fixing and perfecting his mustache. "Ah me favorite boys. You need help with anything." Coran was kinda like a mentor to them and always helped if someone was feeling down. "Uh we just want to go use the nook" Keith said, Coran nodded and waved his hand towards the corner, "Go right ahead boys.".

Keith and Hunk sat down on the comfortable seats in the dark corner of the classroom that was there for kids who needed space but it was also great for reading. 'The Nook' was closed off by bookshelfs with constellations on the ceiling above it and down the walls.

Hunk put his stuff down and turned to Keith, who was stuck on admiring the stars above him. Hunk cleared his throat and Keith looked down at Hunk and his face shifted to discomfort. "So..." Hunk started "so..." Keith replied not knowing how to start. "Ya so... ya. Uh it's about Lance." Hunk physically deflated, he pressed his fingers to his forehead. He looked like he was going to cry, he finally looked up at Keith. "Keith I don't know what to do, he- he keeps pushing us away. I just want to help him but he won't let me in." Hunk's eyes started to sparkle with tears.

Keith looked down and shook his head, "I know but we have to try." Hunk grabbed his hand his "Look if anyone can help him it's you, Keith." Keith looked back up at Hunk confused, "what? What about you? And- and Pidge." Hunk's face softened "Keith I know ok and don't worry Lance he... well you just. Ok listen just talk to him ok." Keith was still confused "I've tried, I don't know what to do."

"Boys, it's almost 1st period, the bell is about to ring." They packed up there stuff and headed out to their first period.

Also I write this how people like actually talk with stutters and stuff so it might be kinda confusing but if it is just leave a comment where it is and I'll try to clean it up and make it easier to understand the stutters/pauses.

My mind won't work (Klance/Langst)Where stories live. Discover now