14- Car Radio

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The car ride was eerily quiet when they got out of the neighborhood.

Sebastian didn't ask what happened, and the 3 kids had already gone to sleep (and once they go to sleep they don't wake up for a while).

Lance couldn't sleep, he didn't want to.

Mari started cry after 2 hours of the drive. Lance wondered what took her so long, cause he had been having silent tears roll down his cheek since they left. But he guessed she was in shock.

The 4th hour of the car drive they needed gas so Mari turned into a small gas station and pulled into one of the gas pumps and looked down. Lance looked out the window to the store, it said Carry On.

Mari cleared her throat and tapped Lance's shoulder. He turned around to see her and Sebastian looking at him. Mari headed him 20 bucks, "you can go inside and get yourself something to eat," she looked at her husband. "Seb will go with you so he can get the kids some snacks." Lance took the money nodding his head.

Sebastian and Lance quietly walked to the convenience. Lance couldn't stop shaking his hands, he turned around to see his sister having a breakdown in the car. He pursed his lips and held back tears, 'it's my fault' 'I'm ruining her life'.

But he was soon brought out of his trance by a hand placed on his shoulder. He shook his head and turned towards the store to see his brother in law looking at him with care.

"Come on Lance lets go get some food."

When they walked into the store Sebastian walked over to the fridges to grab 3 bottles of chocolate milk. Lance walked over to the snack line. He didn't see anything too good that he wanted to eat. As he was looking around the picture of his sister breaking down, his father yelling at him and trying to get through Mari, and lastly his father hitting his sister. He hated his father so much, but most of all he hated himself. He hated himself so much, he hated the way he looked, the way he talked, the way he stood, the walked, he hated his weight, he hated his thoughts, he hated that he was so selfish, he hated everything. His entire world came crashing down in a small convenience store.

He didn't think he'd been there to long but he guessed he had because his brother in law was shaking his arm with a cart full of snacks. Lance was crying, he was crying messily and gross, with chocked sobs coming out. Sebastian put the cart down and pulled Lance into a hug.

At first Lance was shocked but he was too tired to do anything so he relaxed into Sebastian's arms. When he did so so many more emotions had flooded into his brain and he cried even more now. He cried because of his dad. He cried for his sister. But mostly he cried for his mom. His sobs were loud and powerful. He laid his head on Seb's shoulder and stained his shirt with his tears. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes at least.

Then his crying died down to just some short sobs. As Lance started to stand straighter Sebastian let go patting Lance's shoulder.

"It'll get better Lance. I will make sure of that. That's a promise." Lance thought of those words as they walked to the counter to pay for their snacks.

"A promise"

He remembered his mom and dad's promises.
"I'll never leave you, mijo." His mom said while they were stargazing together outside.
"I'll make sure you never get hurt, son. And if someone ever hurts you, I'll beat 'em up for you, ey." His father nudged his shoulder, Lance laughed at it back then. He laughed. He thought of his father beating himself up, that almost made him laugh, almost.

The total came out to a little more than 20 but the cashier looked at Lance and said it was fine and that he would cover for them. Sebastian thanked him and they headed to the car that Mari was finishing up putting gas in. Lance opened the passenger door and sat down in his seat.

Sebastian put the bags in the back and went around up to his wife. He looked over to Lance in the car side mirror, and when Lance noticed him he decided to not stare and intrude instead resting his eyes to his hand that sat on his lap.

They didn't talk for too long but long enough for Lance to get uncomfortable. He looked back out the window to see his sister and her husband holding hands talking calmly. Lance could tell she was crying. Sebastian wiped a tear from Mari's face saying something lighthearted that made her chuckle and nod her head.

Mari got into the backseat and buckled her seatbelt telling a now stirring Anna to go back to sleep.

Lance looked up to Sebastian questionably to which he replied, "I'm driving for the rest, she's pretty tired."

The rest of the way was quiet beside the low buzz of the car radio.


Kinda shorter than my usual chapters, but I just really felt like updating. I might be able to update tomorrow or the next day (or at least work on it)

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