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"I met him - and he was my undoing."

I was always afraid of falling in love, Ive had my heart broken over and over and it frightened me whenever I felt love for a person. Because everyone I love, hurts me or leaves.

And then I met him. I knew the moment I met him he was going to be trouble for me. Just by his stupid smile and warm eyes. I knew I was screwed.

My life was simple. Everyday I would wake up, leave the house before my parents and siblings woke up. I would hideaway at the park before heading towards school.

Some mornings I would go for a run, most days after school I did my runs to clear my head. I always needed out of the house.

I loved my family no doubt.

I was always trying to figure out what moment truly designed me into the person I was.

Where does a story truly begin? How do you know where it begins? What special moment defines us that much?

I was always curious on how people knew exactly when they started truly living.

My story wouldn't be considered great in any possible way. I was abandoned and then found in an orphanage, and that's when my parents decided to adopt me.

My real parents, not the ones who created me - they were complete monsters. They were these terrible people who would find any reason to beat me, because I moved their alcohol or accidentally knocked over their pile of cocaine - you name it.

It seems silly saying it like that but to me - it was like winning a lottery. A white family chose me - a girl refused by so many because of the colour of my skin.

Because I was too dark, or my eyes were too wide, or perhaps it was because of my crooked smile. Over the years I've heard so many reasons on why I wasn't good enough that I finally just accepted the fact that I was different.

Not different just because of the colour of my skin, but because of the way my life had started. The way my actual story began.

But than this young couple walks in with two kids not much older than me trailing behind them, a boy and a girl that shared the same brown eyes and untamed blonde curls.

It was that moment when the young guy looked down at me and smiled, before kneeling down in front of me and shaking my hand.

"My names John, and what's you're name?" He questioned, smiling lightly at me.

The kids stood next to the woman and stared silently at me with curious expressions.

"Luna," Was my full reply.

But somehow that seemed to be enough for him, just me uttering my name was enough for him to know.

"Well Luna, how would you like to come home with us?" He asks, raising an eyebrow while smiling at me.

"John," The woman says, grabbing at his arm but the man smiled before turning to his family.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't need to look, Katherine. I know by those big beautiful brown eyes that she belongs with us," He says and that's the first time I felt love.

This complete stranger won my love over with just a couple of words. Those beautiful big brown eyes. Nothing negative but a positive thing that made my ten year old self feel giddy.

The woman who I'd soon call Mom looked down at me and smiled, "Would you smile for me sweetheart?" She questioned.

I bit my tongue before looking back over at John, who nodded his head. Chewing my lip before smiling up at her and the smile on her grew.

"You're room will be done by the weekend," She says and I remember feeling my heart stop.

Was it that my defining moment? Or was it when I met that stupid wanker, the golden boy. The guy loved by every girl and every guy wanted to be like.

Romeo Chapman.

A stupid wanker who always caught me off guard and at the oddest moments.

Or was it when the golden boy actually started opening up to me?

There's a few possibilities to choose from, but I couldn't choose. Because all those moments made me who I am.

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