Chapter Nineteen

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"She was cold as ice, but once you got her out into the sunshine - she'd start to melt. He was her sunshine that melted the cold away."

I sat across from him, my leg bouncing under the table while my clenched fists rested on top. He was watching me closely, his eyes narrowed slightly as he analyzed me.

It was irritating.

"Can I help you?" I snapped, raising an eyebrow at him.

He snickers out, shaking his head, "Actually, I'm suppose to be tutoring you but all your doing is sitting there mumbling under your breath." He retorted.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Not really in the mood for tutoring today." I snapped out, I played with my hands in my lap, to hide how they shook.

All I wanted was to go home and curl up in a ball and cry, but I couldn't. Instead I had to stay in this hell hole and act like I was on top of the world.

"Did something happen?" He pushed on, still watching me, waiting for any type of reaction.

I brought a hand down my face and grunted, "That monster you call a girlfriend keeps referring to me as an orphan when I'm clearly not anymore and I'm not allowed throat punching her so yes, something did happen." I ramble out, clenching my fists.

"Orphan? That doesn't seem like something Emma would say, are you sure you-"

"Are you blind? Or just stupid? That girl is a monster, and I know it sounds funny coming from my mouth but she has no right throwing my personal business in my face as if I had a choice on being an orphan," I cut him off, my voice growing louder.

I shook my head, "Like no, I didn't choose to be thrown away, I didn't ask to be born yet she's-"

A hand lands above my shaking one on the table and I nearly jumped a foot in the air, I sat frozen in my spot, not once making a move to slide my hand away.

He was closer now, leaning over the table slightly with so many emotions running across his face.

"Hey I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like I didn't believe you," He says softly, his blue eyes flickering across my face.

I gulp loudly and wanted to pull away but I couldn't, all I could focus on was the colour of his eyes. There were flecks of green in them, swirling around as he stared down at me.

He clears his throat and finally I snap out of my trance, I pull away from him, feeling my face burn slightly. I go to say something but he beat me to it.

"So, I also wanted to bring up a new technique I'll be using while tutoring you," He says, wicked grin taking over his lips.

My eyes narrow but my chest filled with relief when he changed the topic, "Whats that?" I questioned.

He smirked and pulled out a case of cherries, "You get a question right and I'll give you a cherry, if you get one wrong I eat one in front of you." He says.

I snorted, "Are you going to call me a good girl too?" I retorted.

"Only if you ask me to," He says, shooting me a wink before popping the lid on the cherries, biting into one.

I grunted out and go to reach for one when he slid the container away, shaking his head childishly at me.

My phone starts ringing, not noticing the number I answer and bring the phone to my ear.

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