Chapter Nine

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"Things start crumbling while walls start building themselves up. A paradox in fixing yourself, when you don't need fixing."

"C'mon babe, why are you being sour?" Cj asks, wrapping his arm around me, pulling me into his side as we walk down the crowded hall.

It was Monday once again and I felt this burning dread, because today would be the first day of Romeo's tutoring and I wasn't ready for it.

I grumble under my breath and elbow him in his side when he stops abruptly, his gaze falling onto someone else. He maneuvers us through students before he wrapped his free arm around Cjs shoulders.

She looked up at him with a small frown, trying to pull away but he just pulled her into his side as we walk down the hall, "Needed both my girls before I started my day," He says.

Cj choked out, "I am most definitely not your girl," She says, her nose scrunching when she screws up her face.

Chris laughed loudly before shaking his head, he glances down at me while smirking, "C'mon babe, tell her," He drawls out playfully.

I roll my eyes, "You don't own me or her," I shot back while looking around the crowded hallway.

They start bickering back and forth, giving me the chance to slip out of his grip and away.

I walk down the hall while looking around, feeling my heart race in my chest as anxiety grew inside me.

My eyes land on Henry standing near the girls washroom, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned back against the lockers.

I walk towards him, earning strange looks from students who walked passed us. I scowl at them before stopping in front of him.

"Where's August?" I blurt out, causing his gaze to snap down to me, a frown covering his face.

He sighed out and brought a hand down his face, "In the washroom changing, always such a klutz." He says while laughing lightly.

My eyes narrow and I nod my head, "Why?" He asked.

"Why what?" I snapped back, feeling my chest tighten as he watched me with analyzing eyes.

He smiled, "Why do you care where August is?" He questioned, students walk pass us slowly, staring as if we were the most interesting people in the building.

"Why does it matter?" I answer his question with a question, earning a chuckle from him.

He shook his head, "I know girls like you, and the reputation you have isn't the greatest. Just don't need her taking shit from another girl."

I nod my head, letting his words sink in. He wasn't being rude, he was just stating facts again. It was true, I had a terrible reputation but there's something about August that continues to throw me off.

She reminds me of myself.

Deep deep down, the girl I once was before I let the world turn me cold. I was once soft as waters, and now I'm colder then ice.

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