Chapter Four

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"Things break, burn and crumble. You just have to realize that everyone, you are the one who picks you up."

I lied on the couch in sweatpants and a hoodie while watching a basketball game on the tv in the living room. My head was pounding and I was waiting for the moment mom or dad walked in and asked why I wasn't in school.

The door jiggles and my heart drops in my chest, of course I'd have to jinx it. The front door opens and Andrew and Olivia walk in.

Their eyes land on me and they drop their bags by the door, kicking off their shoes.

"Heard about what happened today," Olivia says, plopping down on the lazy boy.

Andrew snorts and flops down on the couch, picking my feet up before resting them back on his lap.

"People just have to realize, that I'm incredible." I retort, looking at my nails.

Olivia laughs while Andrew was looking through his phone, his fingers every so often flying across the screen as he typed a message.

She lies her legs out and smiled, "Are you stoned?" She questioned.

I let out a small giggle, "The question is, when am I ever not stoned?" I shot back, causing Drew to laugh.

He pinches my legs and I grunt out, trying to kick him but he blocked my feet. Sighing I give up, I wasn't really one to put up much of a fight when it came to my siblings.

Growing up, after they adopted me. It was nice because I had a real family, sure at times it was hard. Especially with Olivia, we were close in the same age and both girls, apparently she was a daddy's girl until I came along.

Now a days, her and mom are like best friends while I always went to my dad for things, not because I had anything against my mom, she was great.

But I feel like dad and I had a stronger bond, he'd always take me to hockey games and baseball games growing up. He got me into gymnastics and made me realize that I could quite literally be whatever I wanted to be.

He's the reason I still love life at times, he keeps me calm and collected.

"Are you okay?" She questioned.

I bite down on my bottom lip to keep the surprise off my face, but I'm sure she seen the way my eyes widened. Her and I, we weren't the closest.

Drew and I always got along growing up, yes Liv and me would have our rare moments where we could talk to each other without fighting, but it didn't happen often.

It seemed like she genuinely cared about how I was.

I smiled, "Right as rain I'd say, Goldilocks." I relied, grinning.

Drew laughs loudly while Olivia rolled her eyes, flicking her blonde curls over her shoulder.

"Yeah yeah, whatever Luna Moon," She snapped back.

I snicker out and lie there, I felt at peace. I never really spent much time with my siblings, I was always up hiding in my room. Plus, I always felt that they were closer because they were twins.

It was weird, my head always had the most random thoughts, always screaming at me when things weren't so messy.

The front door opens again and this time mom and dad walked through. Mom closes the door while dad kicks off his shoes, walking into the living room before taking a seat on the loveseat.

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