Chapter Five

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"Going down, letting everyone down. How do I do this, why can't I ever fly high?"

My eyes flicker open and I realize I was no longer outside of the party anymore. I was inside my own bathroom.

I was on the floor, my back rested against the tub. I was in a pair of pyjama pants and a t shirt, but I don't remember changing.

All I remember is lying in the grass before I decided to take a nap.

I froze in my spot when I felt someone touching my hair, leaning backwards my head hits a stomach and I'm looking up at Romeo.

My eyes widen and my mouth fell slightly a gap, he smiled down at me, flashing his perfect teeth.

"What are you doing in my house?" I question, wincing slightly.

I rub my head and realized he was braiding my hair, my stomach twist in knots and I move away from him so I could actually look at him.

He was sitting on the edge of the tub, a hair brush in his hand and that stupid smile still on his face. My head spun and I realized the pills and liquor was still effecting me, I was really hoping I could sleep it off.

"I found you passed out on the side of the house, you were dancing and then you just went all quiet and ran out. I brought you home," He answers back.

My throat burned and I ripped my gaze away from his, "How'd you get in?" I question.

I sneak a peak in his direction to see he was still watching me, a small smile gracing his face.

"Typical family leaves a house key under the front mat or flower pot," He replied and I rose an eyebrow.

"So, which one was it?" I ask.

He smiled wider and brought a hand through his hair, "Flower pot, typical." He says.

I smile and shake my head, dragging a hand down my face. "Do you have a safe way home?" I question.

My eyes narrow, "That sounded like I'm kicking you out, I appreciate what you did for me. Most people would have just left me there,"

I lick my lips nervously and play with my hands in my lap, the bathroom suddenly felt tiny and I could feel his eyes on me.

"I just don't think we should be friends, we're complete opposites. Plus, I'm not much of a friend person, I treat them terribly and I'm not a great person." I say, realizing what I just said.

I smack my forehead lightly, "Rambling again." I mumbled.

He was watching me closely, his eyes alight. He looked relaxed, while I on the other hand was a complete mess.

"Are you going to die after I leave?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "I think I'll survive," I shot back, causing him to laugh out.

He stands up and offers me his hand, but I ignore it and stand up quickly, feeling everything spin around me.

His fingers wrap lightly around my wrist to keep me from falling and I finally become stable on my feet, giving my head a shake. My head was not in the game right now.

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