Chapter Eleven

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"Searching and searching, but never once finding what I'm looking for."

The music blared throughout the house, so many teens from my school and other schools all drunk and dancing around. The house was quite big, and I wasn't too sure who was throwing the party.

There was an actual DJ in the living area playing the music and in the dining room there was a huge ping pong game going on.

I've only been here an hour, but I was drunk. I decided to come here with Cj, since he so kindly offered. Two minutes here and he disappeared on me and I haven't been able to find him since.

I hold my beer tightly between my fingers and dance around, feeling all the stress and guilt vanish as I continue drinking. I also may have popped of few Xannax bars but that didn't matter.

"Shots!!" A guy shouted, walking around with small shot glasses and a bottle of Vodka.

A grin forms on my lips and I maneuver through the sea of people and grab a shot glass from him, he fills it up for me and I take it back quickly.

"You want another one?" He asked, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

I shrug my shoulders, "Why not," I reply, holding out the shot glass for him.

He fills it up and I take it back, wincing slightly as the bitter liquid slid down my throat. I pass him back the glass before spinning around, heading towards the middle of the dancing crowd.

An arm wraps around my shoulders and I pull away and look up, a smirk growing on my face when I meet his eyes.

"What a surprise seeing you here," I say sarcastically, finishing the beer in my hand.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pushes through the crowd, leading me towards the kitchen.

"Decided to have a boys night out, and then I lost my boy," He explains.

I follow in behind him and he grabs two beers, taking the caps off before passing me one, "Same here, wasn't even here for three minutes before he ditched me." I say, taking a swig.

He snorts out, the smile remaining on his face. That's ones thing I noticed between him and Romeo, they both are always smiling. It was somewhat obnoxious at times.

"So, I'm assuming the boy you lost was Romeo?" I question, taking another swig.

He chugs some of his beer before letting out a huge burp afterwards, "Yes, bugger is always running off when he's drunk," He mumbles before raising an eyebrow at me, "I'm assuming Chris is the guy that ditched you?" He added on.

"I'm surprised Romeo even drinks, isn't he suppose to be some saint?" I ramble out, "And yeah, asshole is always ditching me at parties." I added on.

Max smiled widely at me, "Trust me when I say Romeo Chapman, is no saint," He says, laughing loudly.

I chew the inside of my cheek and take another drink, the Golden Boy wasn't so golden? Who would've known.

I snicker before spinning around Max when the song changed, I started bouncing up and down before grabbing his hand.

"Tell anyone about this and I'll snap both of your arms, no more sports for you." I drawl out darkly, but all Max did was grin down at me.

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