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He was fire

I was ice

His touch was warmth

Mine wasn't as nice

He was the sun

I was the moon

He'd give them light

And that light, I'd removed.

He was air

I was water

He'd help them breathe

While I pulled them under

He was an angel

I was a demon

And when we were together

We'd both weaken.

- Opposites.


I walked through the hall, my hand in his, our fingers intertwined. A month has passed, and it still felt strange having him by my side but every day was always better than the last. I loved him, with my whole heart.

Students walked past us, shooting us strange looks but all I could do was smile, they all thought Romeo had lost his head when they first heard him and I were dating, they didn't understand how a guy like him could go for a girl like me, and frankly I didn't understand either.

All I knew, was that he made me incredibly happy.

He spun me around before bringing his lips down to mine, smiling when I kissed him back, "I love you," He whispers and my eyes widened, my heart racing in my chest.

"Yeah yeah-"

"I mean it Luna, I'm in love with you." He whispers and I pull him towards me, standing on my tippy toes and kissing him again, my arms wrapping around his shoulders.

This boy stole my heart, who knew I'd end up falling for the schools golden boy, the biggest nerd I knew, the kindest guy I've met.

We head to English and take our seats next to each other, we had to read our own little poems today on our current moods, where we were and how we felt in life.

Again, I was the last one to go, causing all my nerves to go through the roof, Romeo shot me a reassuring look and I sucked in a breath, chewing the inside of my cheek.

I clicked my tongue against my teeth and looked down at the sheet in my hand, feeling Romeo watching me, "How is it possible, she found herself falling in love," I begin, "That she herself so infatuated with a boy. Another human being, with beautiful eyes,"

"And if she was with him, she wouldn't even need the blue sky anymore because she could just look him in the eyes," I state softly.

I take a seat quickly when Romeo grabbed my hand in his, kissing the top of my hand while grinning, "You amaze me." He whispers softly.

I smiled at him, leaning my head against his shoulder.


"There's the love birds!" Max says as Romeo and I approached the lunch table, we sit down across from them, and I shot Max a smirk.

My siblings were in deep conversation while Cj and Cassie sat there looking at something on her phone, this was my new normal. Actually hanging out with my siblings at school, actually having friens who genuinely care about me.

Having a boyfriend who loved me almost as much as I loved him.

I felt genuinely happy, and I could thank Romeo Chapman for that, because without him I'd sill be miserable, I'd still be this angry girl always hanging out by herself.

My eyes landed on August and Henry as they walked towards us, the both of them grinning widely and I felt this happiness grow inside of me. I liked where I was at in life, I was happy with the people I surrounded myself with.

I grab Romeo's bottle of water and take a quick sip, smiling up at him, "I love you." I whispered, kissing him before pulling away.

I leaned against him and watched as everyone chatted away around me, I realized I wouldn't change a thing. My family and I were closer than ever, my grades were improving and I was in love with my tutor who managed to steal my heart.

His arm wrapped around my shoulders and I sighed out, a secret of the golden boy, he loved me for me and that's all I needed.

I was excited to see what this next chapter held for me.


It is complete! Wahoo!

Its been lit, it wasn't suppose to be so short but I have so many other works on the go that I needed to wrap it up.

- James

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