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                  \\\\T H E////
               \\\\D E V I L////


"Daddy? Where are we going?" i ask my dad. I love my foster parents so much. They've been so kind to me through all those years i've lived.

"We are---going shopping." he said. He didn't sound really good but i still smiled at him.

Dad and mom are mean to me sometimes but i always forgive them. Is good to forgive. God told us to forgive.

I looked outside the window with a smile as i saw shops. But then there was only dessert that i could see.

"Dad where is this shop we are going at?" i ask him while i looked out the window. I looked back at him when he suddenly stopped the car. He got out of his seat and came to my side.

"Daddy there is nothing here." i said with my innocent voice. Fear started taking over me.

He ignored me and opened my door. He grabbed me from the arms and got me out of the car. I looked up at him as he sat me down to the ground. I held my teddy tightly in a hug.

He started walking back to his car seat. My eyes widened.

"Daddy?" i ask in a low voice. My eyes started watering and soon after i started crying when he turned on the engine. I watched him leaving. I was standing in the middle of nowhere. I looked around me only to see some cactus and golden sand. I held my teddy tight on me and cried on it.


I held my teddy tight on mt chest as i run away from the guy that was chasing me cause i stole an apple from his store. I hate to steal stuff but i have no choice. I've been living in the streets for two years. I've been hiding from bad people for two years. Its hard to live in the Texas streets. Suddenly i bumped onto someone. I looked behind me as the guy stopped in his tracks. He looked scared. I raised my eyes and looked at the tall man standing infront of me. He leaned down and sat on his knees and looked at me.

"Here are 20 bucks. Make sure you spend them right." he said and grabbed the apple from me and took it to the guy from the store. I looked back at the tall man in a black suit.

"Thank you." i said quietly but the man ignored me. I looked down at the money and then i started walking to the closest shop i could find.

When i got in there was a woman on the cashier. I grabbed some food with me and went to the cashier. The woman was still there. I stood on my tip toes to see the cashier because i was a short ten year old.

"Thirty dollars." the cashier said. I suddenly felt sad. I got my twenty bucks out of my ripped pocket and gave it to the man.

"I am sorry thats all i have." i said and looked down at my dirty bare feet. I sighed and looked back up to see the cashier taking stuff away so it can get to twenty bucks.

"Honey---where do you live?" the woman asked me. I look up at her and smiled she was beautiful.

"I-- i don't have a home." i said to her and she seemed to think a little.

"Would you like to come with me? I have an orphanage that i can put you in." she said. I smiled at her and nodded my head. I know what i am doing is dangerous. But what is worst by living in the streets? I woman kidnapping me and killing me. Well death isn't the most worst thing here.

The woman looked up to the cashier and told him that i don't want the stuff and she grabbed my money and gave them to me. I thanked her and grabbed them.

"My name is Ella." she said. I smiled at her and held my hand out for her to shake.

"Hi Ms. Ella. My name is Nova." i said and she smiled and murmured a 'awe' as she shook my hand. She got me in the car and she turned the engine on.

"You can call me just Ella honey." she said and i smiled at her and nodded my head. Well this might be my end or my fresh start.

Ella took me to a real orphanage where many kids were there and immediately was greeted by two girls. The one was name Jessica and the other Jolly. They were twins and i was staying in the same room as theirs. They helped me get some new clothes and Ella was smiling at me while i was playing with the girls.

I was now a lot cleaner and i was wearing new clothes that smelled so good. My white/blonde hair were straight after the shower. I never saw my hair as clean as that.


Today we learned that a couple wanted to adopt a kid and that they wanted to see all the kids from the orphanage. Right now we were sitting outside an office where the couple was and kids were going in and the out.

"Nova please come in the office." a woman said and i stood up. I walked in the office to see a beautiful young couple sitting on the chairs. They looked at me and smiled. I smiled back but my smile was a lot shyer then theirs.

"Ms. Adrianna and Mr. Alexander. This is Nova. She is the kindest kid we had through out all those years. She is a little shy but i think she'll talk to you if she knows that your here for a good reason." Ella said. I smiled at her as she said all those good things for me.

"Nova can you come here for a second?" the woman named Adrianna asked. I nodded and i walked towards her. She opened her hands and hugged me. She started caressing my hair which left me feeling sleepy.

She turned me around and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I look at the gentleman beside her which i think is her husband. I walked up to him since he seemed a little off. I could see he didn't feel very well.

"Sir? Are you okay?" i ask him and he nods. I shake my head and grabbed his hand.

"Do you want some water?" i ask him and he nodded again. I went to stand up but he did first before i do and he fell on the ground. I gasped and walked up to him to see he fainted. His wife was panicking while i wasn't. Ella was panicking too.

"He is gonna be okay just dehydration." i said and his wife and Ella looked at me like i was crazy. I sighed and grabbed a cup of water. They helped me lift his head up and i put the cup on his mouth for him to drink. When he drank some water he opened his eyes.

"See. Just dehydration." i said and the wife hugged her husband.

"Okay Nova i think you can go now so the couple can decide which kid they would like to adopt." Ella said. I nodded and walked outside the room. The other kids already left the room. Suddenly as i closed the door i heard the woman say something.

"She is the girl." she said probably to her husband. I quickly closed the door and walked back to my room...

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