17- Let go of me

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It's been a day since Lucifer disappeared when i said that thing at school, i hate when someone is mad at me, i just can't take it when people fight over worthless things.

Today i am going to school with Angelo, he will take me.

Me and Angelo walked the school corridors and after a couple of minutes the bell rang and we walked to our classes.


I was walking towards the launch since two periods passed already, i was late to go to the cafeteria cause i was talking with the teacher, so no other kid was there except me.

I was about to open the doors when i was pulled harshly back on the wall.

I opened my eyes and saw Marcus, his eyes were different than before.

"Marcus what are you doing?" i asked scared of what he might do to me. "Things to you." he said and i gaspes closing my eyes tightly as he approached my face. I leaned as back as possible but there was no more place.

I never thought that Marcus would be like that, he was just playing my sister.

I need help.

"Lucifer!" i yelled and he was about to attach his lips with mine but i felt a presence beside me and i immediately pushed him away from me and i looked up to see Lucifer holding him by the collar.

"And you know i was starting to like you." he said as calm and confident as he could. "Let go of me you bitch." Marcus said trying to get out of Lucifer's grip. Lucifer slammed him on the wall and his eyes went red.

"Fallen angel huh?" Lucy asked, i tilted my head in confusion but then it clicked. Marcus is a fallen angel, which means he lives in hell. But why didn't Lucifer recognize him before?

I saw my sister running from the cafeteria towards me and she gasped when she saw Lucifer holding Marcus's neck.

"Let him go!" she yelled at Lucifer and i looked at her and i saw she was ready to attack Lucifer, Lucifer put his hand infront of him to guard him from my sister coming so that Marcus won't escape.

I pulled my sister back and walked her far away as she yelled curse words at Lucifer.

"Stop." i said but she wouldn't stop. "Stop!" i yelled, my voice echoed through the school corridors.

She stopped and looked at me, her face was red from anger.

"Please stop Tati, Marcus was the one who attacked me, and if Lucifer wasn't here who knew what he could've done to me. Marcus is a fallen angel, i don't know how they work and why they can't control themselves but i know that right now, Marcus isn't himself." i said between heavy breaths. She nodded immediately and ran back at Lucifer. He was still talking with Marcus.

"Try to fight it back or it will take over you." Lucifer yelled at Marcus, or what i suppose is Marcus. "He has already drowned in his own sorrows, you can't save him." a voice that came from Marcus's body, but wasn't Marcus.

I went closer but Lucider pushed me back. "Don't come near him he is pure evil." Lucifer said looking at me with rage thinking he would scare me away, but i wouldn't back away.

"No one is pure evil Lucifer, we all have evil inside us, sometimes is more sometimes is less, and for this situation is more, but we can always win over evil cause evil is vulnerable, it is coming when we feel that something is unfair, or it takes over a mistake you did, and with all the regretting there comes evil, the evil that pushes you to go crazy and that's where it starts to take over you." i finished and Lucifer started to lose his grip around Marcus's neck as he heard my words. I let my hand fall slowly on Marcus's shoulder as he looked at me, confused, or the evil inside him looked confused.

Suddenly a ball of light appeared on Marcus's necklace and then his hair went back to the normal blonde, his eyes were green again and everything was normal.

I smiled and let my hand fall to the side of my body.

Tati ran towards him and hugged him, i looked a Lucifer and i swear i saw him smiling at me for the first time.

I walked away leaving them alone for their own privacy and Lucifer followed behind me. "What you did there." he started i looked at him and saw him staring infront of him as he walked. "Was very kind." he said and he looked at me, our eyes locked gazes for a split second but i broke it off and looked on the ground. "Yeah thanks." i said awkwardly. "At a moment you made me feel that i am not evil, but i am the devil, the one who created evil out of all the problems people have." he said and i frowned. "And just because you created 'it' doesn't mean you have to be 'it'." i said to him and shook his head disagreeing with me. I let out a soft sigh and felt my tears forming in my eyes, i sniffed them back but that made Lucifer look at me, he looked worried and stopped walking.

"Why are you crying?" he asked, i shook my head and wipped the tear that fell from my cheek. "What is it?" he asked and i looked away from his strong gaze. "I just thought for once i'll be able to get out the kind you, but i guess is you the one who doesn't try to be kind." i said quietly, he cupped my face and made me look at him, i stared on the ground. "Look at me Nova." he said making my gaze go up and meet his eyes. It's like his staring straight into my soul.

"I can't change, the curse. You do not know anything about it, and it pains me, it freaking hurts, everynight i go through so much pain so i can keep others happy, but sometimes i lose myself and the curse takes over, cause i am so bored and tired with all this pain." he said and tears fell faster this time, i immediately pulled him in a tight hug, it takes him by suprise but after a couple seconds he hugged me back. I held him tighter and rested my head on his shoulder.

I can't imagine what he is going through, i feel so bad for him, that makes me wanting to help him more.

To Be Continued...

Hey guys so this is the long chapter you waited for,yeah i know, not the longer chapter i ever written but thats all i have for today, more coming next week. Tomorrow is my birthday and i am not very happy about it. It's sad to get older and lose people around you because while you get older, other closer people to your heart do too and it hurts to know that at one point they will leave, like i will, you will and everybody will.

We are not like Lucifer or any other supernatural creature, we grow old and we die that's life. And rhe saddest thing is that we are all living the same life, i mean everyday is the same for all of us, nothing changes.

In one country there is war, they wake up and run for their lives all the time, or they never wake up. Other children wake up having to work for their whole life, we go to school everyday then sleep and again repeat, we live like robots and i wish this could have changed...

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