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"What about him?" i asked confused.

"He can heal humans and demons." she said and continued cleaning.

"How?" i ask confused. What is a lucifer? Is he from another world?

"Look sis, is better for you to not know anything yet, it might put your life in lots of danger and i am not risking that." she said and stood up. She threw the broken plate into the bin and came towards me.

"I can't see you dead at any time. So just wait." she said and i nodded. What is going on? Ughh! I need answers.

I immediately walked up to my room. I closed the door and locked it.

"Who are you?" i ask half yelling. Nothing came though and an idea popped in my mind.

'if you think of him or say his name he comes.'

"Lucifer." i said half whispering. A breeze past me and i was immediately slammed on the wall. I shut my eyes tightly.

"What do you want?" he asked with a husky voice fanning my neck. I still didn't open my eyes.

"Answers." i said shortly. He hummed for a little until he stopped.

"Am not the one to tell you anything dear." he said and i felt his breath much closer to my lips.

"Not even who you are?" i asked innocently. He chuckled a bit.

"You know your playing with fire right?" he asked and i nodded. He let go of my neck and then again snapped me on the wall one more time. This time his hold was tighter. I let out a sound of pain but immediately hid it. I decided to open my eyes.

His eyes, blue eyes. So beautiful blue eyes.


My eyes widened at the thought and he chuckled one more time.

"Now you get who i am?" he asked. "I am your death, and there is no escape." he said with a harsh tone. It was like he tried to hide his emotions and he was good at it. "Never call for me again, just stay away." he said, and with that he left, or he disappeared.

I runned my hands through my hair.

I still don't get who he is and why he is my death.

Rosy never came after that accident that happend. I missed her.

I walked into my parents bedroom and grabbed their keys for the car quietly and slowly walked downstairs.

Tatiana didn't see me so i left the house. I turned the car on and left the house.

I don't freaking know how to drive. I know this is wrong but i need to see her. To see if she's okay.

Its about three hours away so i need to be careful for any police on the road.

I was driving quietly when the police stopped me. I sighed and rolled my window down.

Okay Lucifer, am sorry it is the last time i call you but i need you to scare them. I have to leave and as i learned you can scare people.

"Lucifer." i said and he appeared beside me.

"Hi, i need you to show me your ID and your free to go." the cop said. I sighed and looked at Lucifer with pleading eyes. He looked at the cop, he let out a sigh and his eyes changed into a red color.

"Uhh---leave." the cop said and i started driving again.

"Tha--" i turned to say to him but he wasn't there. I sighed and focused on the road.

After about two hours i was there, i knocked on her door a couple times until she decided to open. She looked at me and smiled. She let me come in and before she closed the door she looked outside if anyone was behind me.

"Nova!! I've missed you." she said and hugged me. I smiled and returned the hug.

"Rosy, why didn't you come?" i asked he and she let out a deep breath.

"He told me to never come back or he'll kill me." she said and i made a confused face. But then it hit me, but why would he kill her?

"Why would he kill you?" i asked her but it was like she didn't have an answer.

"Did he ever try to kill you, but didn't?" she asked i nodded and was about to say somethinf but she stopped me. "So you actually are the girl." she said and i made a confused expression.

"What do you mean the girl?" i asked and she rubbed her temples probably from a headache.

"They say that only one girl can change him, and we think is you." she said and i shook my head.

"There is no way its me. I mean i am just a normal teenager, what different do i have from others." i wondered. She chuckled a bit.

"Honey there's a lot of things you don't know." she said and showed me the clock, like she showed me i should go. Okay then i'll go.

I opened the door and closed it behind me. I turned the car on and started driving.

I arrived home after a couple hours and slowly opened the door. I saw mom and dad and my sister sitting there all of them having death glares on me.

"Where were you young lady?" my mom asked and i let out a frustrated sigh.

"And with out car." dad pointed at the keys i was holding.

"I was so worries sis." my sister said. I rolled my eyes and walked towards them.

"I went to rosy's." i said shortly.

"Without our permission, i don't remember you being like that." mom said.

"And police could have caught you." dad said and i looked at him.

"Don't worry about that, i had Lucifer to help me." i said and walked upstairs.

I know it is not a nice thing to avoid someone but i can't do this anymore, i need answers that none of them would give me.

I walked into my room and i was immediately slammed on the wall. He closed the door and locked it, i looked up and stared in his eyes. My neck was hurting from all the times he grabbed me.

"Lucifer?" i asked, feeling a little dizzy. He noticed that and his grip was a lot softer this time. Much more calming.

"Yes?" he asked with a soft voice. I opened my eyes again to look at him staring straight in my eyes.

"What did she mean that i can change you?" i asked him and his eyes turned red, before i protest anything i was thrown on the other wall across.

I fell on the ground and closed my eyes when pain rushed all over my body.

"No. One. Can. Change. Me." he whispered slowly into my ear. I looked up at him and then down on the ground. I looked at his hand that was on the ground and i grabbed in my hands. I held it tightly until i noticed his eyes going back to normal. He looked at me with sympathy but then again his eyes changed into a deeper red.

He lifted me up from the neck and held my legs away from the ground. I started choking, he raised his other hand and grabbed my cross. He pulled it out of my neck and threw it on the ground, he stepped on it and broke it. I was again dizzy and slowly everything was becoming black, i fainted...

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