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We returned back and everyone ran towards me hugging me tightly. "Don't. Even. Do. This. To. Me. Again." Tati said slowly, i nodded at her and then we separated from the hug.

"Okay we already found where we will be sleeping tonight, so we have three cabins, and since the girls don't know Angelo or Lucifer very well are gonna sleep together, me and Angelo in another cabin and you and Lucifer on the last cabin." Tati said, my eyes widened and i tilted my head. "Why don't the boys sleep together?" i asked confusion crossing my face. "Because the beds are king sized and it would be weird for two boys to sleep together, c'mon Nova just agree." she said and i nod my head slowly as i left them behind, i walked towards my cabin, am not angry its just, i don't feel good sleeping with a guy.

I got inside and fell on the bed, after a couple of minutes Lucifer entered.

"Nova?" he asked. "Yes?" i answered as i looked up at him. "If tonight you wake up and don't find me, don't search for me, actually don't even think about searching for me." he said seriousness is evident in his voice. I nodded not wanting to ask why.

I stood up and walked towards the bathroom, i locked it behind me and changed my clothes into my blue PJ's. I unlocked the door and walked back into the room to see Lucifer already laying on the bed. I slowly walked towards the bed and plopped on it. I let my back fall down and relax on the bed, i fixed the pillow so it was comfortable enough for me and i turned to the opposite side of Lucifer. I closed my eyes hoping sleep with take over me.

Suddenly i felt the darkness taking over and i felt relaxed.

I was in the woods running to find him, i don't know who actually him is but i know its him that i should find.

Suddenly i heard the leaves behind me moving, i immediately turned around to see a dark figure, something like a shadow, red eyes were shining in the moonlight. I went closer and was about to touch it when a thunder scared me....

I gasped and woke up, i sat on the bed and heard the thunders outside plus the raining hitting the wooden cabin. My breathing was really fast and i felt sweaty, i looked beside me and the bed was empty.

"Lucifer!" i yelled feeling worried, why am i feeling worried. It feels like something bad is happening.

"Lucy!" i yelled once more as i got off the bed i checked the bathroom and no Lucifer was there to be found. The raining got louder and bigger and louder thunders dropped making me flinch.

Remember what lucifer said 'If tonight you wake up and don't find me, don't search for me, actually don't even think about searching for me' but i cannot stay here and feel that something bad is happening to someone.

I went closer to the door, and hesitated at first but then i opened the door, really cold air hit my body making me shiver, i walked outside and closed the door. I crossed my arms and pulled my body together to keep me warm.

I walked farther in the woods but then i decided to run, I was in the woods running to find him, i don't know who actually him is but i know its him that i should find.

Suddenly i heard the leaves behind me moving, i immediately turned around to see a dark figure, something like a shadow, red eyes were shining in the moonlight. I went closer and was about to touch it when a thunder scared me and i backed away, this moment is very familiar.

The dark figure walked closer to me and the light hit its face.

"Lucifer." i sighed out as i reached out to touch his face, its him with red eyes and horns popping out of his head. Suddenly he growled making me back off. "Lucifer?" i asked again, trying to find Lucifer, but it seemed that he wasn't there. "No love, Lucifer isn't here. But i am and since you're here too, maybe we can have some fun." he said the voice coming from Lucifer's body disgusted me. He came closer to me and i backed off, but my body hit a tree behind me and the thing inside Lucifer's body trapped me. I turned my head on the side and shut my eyes. "Please Lucifer i know you're in there." i whispered. Rain made me all wet and my voice already left my throat.

"Back off Cole!" i saw someone yelling from beside me. I turned around to see another guy with red eyes that i did not know. He looked very similar to Lucifer though a little older.

The blue into Lucifer's eyes crossed one more time and then a pained scream escaped his mouth. Then he fell on the ground screaming and growning like he was fighting something. I went closer but the guy that saved me pushed me back. I looked at him but ignored him. I turned around and went beside Lucifer's hurting body.

"Nova---leave." his voice came out ruffled. I shook my head and grabbed his hand in mine. "I know you can fight that thing." i said and a light inside his eyes turned on. You know when you can see the reflection of yourself in others eyes, it looked like the light was coming from me.

I closed my eyes tightly waiting for his pain to be over. When i felt him relax i opened my eyes and met his blue ones.

I let go of his hand and smiled at him. Lucifer looked up to see the guy that saved me. His eyes went wide and he stood up. He embraced the guy into a tight hug and i just stood there with confusion all over me.

"Amenadiel!" he sighed out hugging the guy. The guy hugged him back. "So brother, would you like to introduce me into the lovely lady you have here?" he asked in an english accent.

Wait. Brother?

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