how fans find out about you ♛

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"haha no! ethan was the one who came up with the idea to jump off the roof which didnt end well for me at least" grayson laughed.

"yeah he broke his finger" ethan laughed along with his brother.

ethan and grayson where live on instagram for the first time ever.

you were down stairs trying to be as quiet as you can because you knew they were live but didnt know what room they were in.

you didnt want their fans to know you even existed.

you knew for a fact that their fandom was powerful and strong and at least half of them wont like you.

youre phone read '1%'

"shit!" you whispered.

you ran up to yours and ethan shared room and opened the door.

"ow!" ethan yelled with wide eyes looking at the screen hoping no one would question who was there.

"why were they sitting behind the door?! omfg" you thought in your head.





"um well i dont want you guys to find out like this but since youre going crazy i might as well just say it" ethan smiled.

"y/n come here" he stood up from in front of the door and opening it wider so you can walk in.

you look down and nod no but ethan grabs your hand and fulls you in the frame.

"this is my girlfriend y/n, shes very very beautiful as you can see and shes very sweet and loving, please dont hate on her and say stupid thingslike shes ugly and is using me for fame and money because she most certainly isnt. shes all ive ever wanted in a girl and she helps me with a bunch of things for you guys so i dont think theres a reason to hate on her. in fact she designed this years merch and made our channel art and even edited the past month of videos!" ethan widely smiled as you sat on his lap smiling at him.

all the comments were positive to your surprise you'd thought they'd hate you right then and there without even knowing your name.

"shes also very funny she made me pee one time!" grayson pointed out. you laughed and wrapped your arms around ethan's neck.

"yeah she really is! and we've been dating for 11 months now and i honestly see a future with her" ethan spoke.

at this point you weren't even listening to what he was saying you were just staring at him, he was breathtaking. even after of 11 months of seeing him everyday he still takes your breath away.

ethan noticed you looking at him and leaned in for a kiss.

"oh my god you guys are gross!" grayson whined as you both pulled away.

you smiled and saw a bunch of people freaking out.

"i love you.." you whispered to ethan.

"i love you too"

ethan dolan imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now