he calls you clingy ♛

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you and ethan were currently cuddling on the couch watching finding nemo.

ethan had his arms wrapped tightly around you with no intention of letting go.

a bit later in the movie you tried excusing your self to go to the bathroom.

"excuse me ethan but I really need to go- to the restroom" you say as you try to pry his arms off your waist.

"noooo, baby please stay" he whined.

"ethan please.." you smiled at him.

"fine but hurry back"

you nodded and rushed your way to the restroom.

after you where done you made your way downstairs but then stopped.

you heard faint talking.

you got a little closer to make out what was being said.

"bro i really don't know how to tell her! she's just so fucking...clingy!"

you felt your heart drop and shatter into a million pieces.

"she has me watching this stupid movie too" he laughed.

wow. he was the one that picked it, you mentally scoff.

you wiped your tears away and went upstairs and got dressed.

"hey y/b/n i was wondering if you'd like to hang out right now" you asked your best friend of 2 years.

she agreed and you finished getting ready as you slipped on your favorite pair of shoes.

you took a deep breath and walked downstairs.

you made your way to the door before you were stopped.

"b-baby where are you g-going" ethan frowned looking at you up and down seeing you dressed in casual clothes.

"i'm going to the mall with y/b/n she called and asked... and since we haven't hung out in a while i agreed" you smiled trying not to call him out for calling you clingy.

maybe if you'd give him the space he wanted then he'd get the message and not complain.

"b-but we were-"

"i'm gonna be late, bye" you waved and slammed the door in his face.

ethan frowned and nodded.
he sat back onto the couch turning off the tv.

time passed by and you and y/b/n have now been hanging for the past month together.

your goodmornings have now became faint and ethan would wake up to you gone and go to sleep with out you.

right now ethan was laying in bed sobbing, thinking what he had done or said to make you not love him anymore, except you did love him still.

you finally came and creeped your way upstairs hoping ethan wasn't awake.

"oh! you're awake" you smiled closing your bedroom door behind you.

"ethan? are you ok?" you frowned seeing him crying.

"why d-do you hate me!" he sobbed.

"i don't hate you..." you whispered sitting down beside him.

"then why don't you hang out with me anymore" he cried even louder.

"isn't that what you wanted?" you sighed.

"what are you talking about?"

"i heard you call me clingy, that hurt me so ithought if i gave you space then you'd be happy" you frowned looking away.

"y/n! im so sorry! please forgive me" he cried into your shoulder.

"of course i forgive you, just please never say that again. and if you're going to call me clingy behind my back then don't act like you were the one being clingy" you sneak in.

ethan looked down and knew you were right. he nodded and played with your hands.

"just promise me if you ever fell like i'm clingy, tell me and i'll give you your space" you say while wiping tears from his eyes.

ethan promised and you both fell asleep in each others arm. you held ethan and he held you. you felt relieved that it was worked out. 

but best believe ethan pulls something like this again, you were going to start whopping ass you thought to yourself.

edit: hi sexies. re working on this book. i don't know why but i got the FATTEST urge to start writing again. but i feel very sad that this was my first book ever abt the twins and now they're so distant from the internet:') but im so proud of them and how far they've come. when i first started writing these i think they were just starting off on youtube after vine. and now they've grown so much. im so proud of them.

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