year book ♛

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"hey y/n, can you sign my yearbook?" your best friend asked.

"what kind of question is that? of course, you don't need to ask me twice" you laughed writing a long letter on the side of the page.

"thanks babe, but guess what!" she squealed.

"what?" you asked curious.

"tristen wrote his number down!" she jumped.

"really? i'm happy for you!" you cheered.

she nodded.

"have you got ethan's signature?" she asked.

"sadly no" you frown.

"oh....i have" she smirks.
you snatch her yearbook and
look for his name and see

"ethan ♥ call me: 123-456-7890 (;" written in black thick sharpie.

you feel sad but play it off.

"i want his signature too!" you whine.

"do you want me to tell him to sign it for you?" she smiles.

"please do!" you frowned handing her your yearbook. you couldn't tell ethan on your own, you were too much of a chicken for that. but you didn't care.

she takes your yearbook and walks over to Ethan.


your "best friends" pov

"hi ethan!" i say walking over to ethan.

"ayee what's up?" he asks standing up while smiling.

gosh that smile is so cute

"can you sign my yearbook?"

he nods taking y/n's yearbook and signing it.

"did you give y/n her year book already?" he asks smiling. i roll my eyes and nod.

"what did she say?" he asks looking up and handing me back her year book.

"she said ew, and that you're weird" i shrugged.

ethan frowns and looks down.


"'s a shame, she's missing out on having someone like you" i flirted playing with his earring.

but before he could say anything i turn around and leave back to y/n.

i run back to y/n and hand her yearbook back.

"here" i hand her year book to her and she opens it and frowns.

your pov

you take a look at your yearbook and frown.

"ethan" was all that was printed in thick sharpie.

you where zoned out but heard the bell ring and everyone headed home.


it was a week after school ended and you were still disappointed that ethan didn't give you his number.

there was a rumor that he liked you but i guess it wasn't true.

you walked to the nearest starbucks and walked in.

"y/n!" ethan says from across the counter.

"you work here?" you ask.

"yeah, but one thing" he said.


"i'm sorry for writing my number in your yearbook, you don't like me and now it's awkward"

"um you didn't write your number in my yearbook" you laughed.

"yeah I did, your best friend said it was yours"

"no? it was hers. you just wrote your name in mine"

ethan stood there not knowing what to say. it took him a while until he noticed that your best friend switched the yearbooks on purpose.

"she's not your bestfriend, she switched them on purpose"

"why would she do that?" you frowned.

"she's jealous" he said while taking your order.

you nod and leave ethan to sit and wait for your drink.

ethan looks at you with your drink and you walk up to him and smile.

"thanks ethan" you sigh.

"hey wait! don't leave yet. the number was meant for you so want to go on a date soon?" he smiled nervously.

your heart skipped a beat and you smiled from ear to ear and nodded yes.

"come here" ethan smiled.

ethan grabbed your face and pressed his lips onto yours.

you took a step back and smiled.

this was going to be the best summer ever.

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