12 roses of love [2] ♛

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tw: self h. blades. blood.

you sat on the couch knees up to your chest sobbing even harder.

the thought of ethan and grayson gone made you heart break into a billion pieces.

you hesitantly turn the television back in hands trembling as you grabbed the remote and pressed the on button.

searchers looked everywhere for survivors. everyone was found dead.

"everyone has been pronounced dead there where 52 passengers on board and 12 crew members, sadly they weren't able to survive this tragic accident, if we could have a moment of silence to remember the lives that have been lost"

your mouth drops. nothing came out of your mouth. everything around you was blocked out.

tears streaming down your face as you choke out a sob.

your vision becoming blurry by the second. before you knew it you were in a sobbing mess.

you made wobbled your way to your restroom and shuffled around in the cabinets until you found what you needed. a razor blade.

you grabbed the razor blade and placed it on your skin. you press down as hart as you can and scream to the pain.

you cut faster and harder. you vision turned faded.

"babe?" you hear from down stairs.

what what?

"babe are you ok? y/n! what have you done to your self!" ethan sobbed as he held you tight

you thought you were just imagining things until a smirk appeared on ethans face.

he pulled a gun out and placed his finger on the trigger and faced it towards you.

"ethan please don't!" you cry.

"bye y/n!".
the end of his lips curved up and formed into a smile he laughed and pulled the trigger.

"NO!" you sat up in bed breathing heavy.

"oh thank god." you breath out. while ethans been gone you've been having nightmares for some odd reason.

you turned to the side and realized ethan wasn't there.

your stomach dropped.

was all of this true? did he actually die in a plane crash?

you start freaking out when you hear the front door slap.

"y/n, princess i'm home!!"

you smile as your heart skips a beat and run down stairs finding ethan and grayson standing there.

you pinched your self making sure this was real life and it was.

you practically tackled ethan.
you didn't want to let go.

"i missed yo- oh fuuuck" he frowned slapping his forehead.

"what's wrong" you frown as well.

"i forgot your flowers" he looked down. he looked very upset. but little does he know what you just went through.

some flowers was the least of your concern right now.

"i don't care, i just need you" you smile placing a kiss on his cheek.

ethan laughs and kisses you back.

edit: when i was rereading this i did not expect that plot twist. i got myself good.

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