hatred ♛

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you and grayson were best friends. you met in school and you guys quickly because friends.

ethan... not so much. ethan hates you with all his heart. gray said it would be just a small phase as he'd get through it and become friends with you but he was wrong.

very wrong.

it's been more than a year now and he's been nothing but a complete dick.

grayson knows and tells him to snap out of it but that doesn't stop him from being mean.

right now you were on your way to their house. you get there and don't even knock since this is basically your 2nd home.

"hello y/n!" lisa greets you as she's washing the dishes.

"hey lisa, do you know where grayson is?" you ask.

"um he might be upstairs" she smiled.

you nod and make your way upstairs and past ethans room.

you were about to open graysons door until you heard whimpers.

you put your ear to his door.


the crying continues and you turn around.

ethan? maybe.

you walk over to his door and put your hand on the golden door knob.

you hesitate before slowly opening the door.

you walk in and see ethan curled up in a ball laying on his bed, his back towards you.

"ethan? are you alright?" you ask placing a hand on his shoulder.

"n- what are you doing here? get out of my room!" he yelled getting up.

"I heard you crying" you whispered.

"me? crying? ha you wish bitch now get the fuck out before i make you!" he gritted through his teeth.

"what's wrong with you ethan?" you say in a bit of a harsh voice.

"what's wrong with you? you think you can just come in my room and-"

"and you think you can just make my life miserable everytime i come to hang out with your brother? what's happened to you? you were nice to me before me and grayson became friends! what happened?!" you shout cutting him off.

"you happened" he said glaring at you looking at you up and down at disgust.

"oh.. i should've guessed that haha" you say fake smiling and looking down with tears starting to trickle down your face.

ethan rolls his eyes and tried not to place his eyes on you knowing if he did his heart would shatter even more, maybe causing him to cry again.

a silent sob escaped and you excused your self.

"sorry b-but I'm going to g-go now.. have a nice day e-eth" you choke out not being able to say his full name.

"y/n! wait!" he said pulling in your arm.

"what now? what more do you need to say to break me even more" you choke out.

ethan looks at you with glossy eyes and says nothing but pull you close.

his arms where around your neck and his head was placed on top of yours.

you were tense at first but calmed down after realizing what he was doing.

"please hug me back" he sobbed.

you hugged him back, both arms around his torso.

he pulled you closer, so close that you could feel your guts about to burst... almost.

"y/n i'm so sorry, i know a sorry isn't going to fix anything but i can try" he said as he readjusted his grip.

"i know i've been super mean to you but it's just.. i was jealous, i was jealous okay? i have feelings for you y/n, and i thought that they'd go away but they didn't and when you and grayson became friends i lost it, i went insane i thought that maybe grayson would fall for you or you'd fall for him leaving me with my heart broken"

"its okay ethan we can work things out, try again?" you whisper.

"it's really not-" you cut him off by kissing his lips.

"i like you"

"I like you too y/n" he said as he connected his lips to yours.

you finally pull away and see grayson in the door way dancing.

"mom y/n and ethan kissed and confessed their love for eachother!" he said bolting down stairs. "can you believe that!"

you and ethan laugh as you kiss eachother again.

[a/n: idk how to end this bYe]

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