mr. dolan ♛

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mr. dolan.
the loudest, rudest, yet the hottest teacher in sliders high.

not to mention he was also the youngest. he was 21 years old teaching 18 year olds. no one knows how the hell he got his job so fast and at such a young age. he's not even that smart to be honest..
he knew how to be mean more than he knew how to spell february.

he yelled at almost every student for the smallest things. for example dakota the smartest girl in our class got sent to detention because she corrected mr. dolan as he had done the math problem incorrectly.

he got mad. broke his yard stick in eight pieces and kicked her out of class and into detention.

you were luckily one of those people who he's never yelled at but you're about to be.

it's wednesday, meaning your math weekly homework was due.

you had no clue how to do it, and you didn't want to ask mr. dolan as you heard that he was willing to help you but if you got it's wrong he'd yell at you and kick you out.

you were scared of him. you felt bad for each and everyone of the students he has yelled at, even if they asked for it.

the bell rings and everyone makes their way to their next class. you had math next meaning you were about to get yelled at for not doing it.

you sit down while everyone takes off their bags and turns in their homework.

mr. dolan walks in and sits down in his desk.

"turn in your homework, after that get the new homework that's in the front table."

you gulped as you walked up to the front table grabbing your new homework and sitting back down.

after everyone's sat down. he walks up and collects the homework from the bin and starts to grade them.

you pray that he doesn't get done with the stack by the end of class.

time goes by, every few minutes you'd glance at the clock hoping class was almost over. it never was. the time went by slow which killed you inside.

you started to daydream hoping maybe that could pass the time until you were interrupted.

"y/n?" mr. dolan called out... in a soft tone.

everyone furrowed their eyebrows, shocked as they had never heard him speak and such a soft tone.

"y-yes sir?" you reply sitting up and cracking a faint smile.

"come here..please" he smiled back.

you nodded confused.

why was he being so nice?
why wasn't he yelling at you?

not that you were complaining but it's was just...odd.

you walked to the front of his desk playing with your fingers.

"where's your homework?" he frowned.

"I-I didn't know how to do it" you looked down.

there was an awkward silence.

you turned your head watching as every single person in your class was watching closely surprised that you haven't been yelled at.

"you could've asked me, i would've been more than happy to help you" he frowned clicking his pen a couple of times.

"i know it's just ive heard things about
you and i didn't want you to yell at me, i hate getting yelled at, it gives me anxiety" you mumble the last part hoping mr. dolan didn't hear it but he did.

"i'm so sorry you feel that way y/n" he frowned. "when we switch classes stay behind please" he smiled.

you nodded swallowing the huge lump in your throat walking back to your seat.

you sit down and put your head down crying. you we're embarrassed.

even though he didn't yell at you, you felt humiliated.

a few minutes later, the bell rings and everyone gathers their stuff and walks out the door and head on to their next class, except for you.

you quickly wipe you tears with your sleeve and make you way to mr. dolans desk.

"i'm here" you croak looking down playing with your fingers.

"were you crying?!" mr. dolan says in a loud but caring tone.

you nod in response. mr. dolan gets up and walks in front of you.

"y/n.. don't cry please" he said wiping the new fresh tears off your face.

"t-hanks mr. dol-"

"call me ethan please!" he said hugging you as he placed his head on the side of your neck.

"thank you ethan" you say hugging him back lightly.

"well i can finally quit my job now" he said smiling at you.

"why would you quit" you ask sitting on top of a desk.

"teaching fucking sucks, i only came here because of you, as weird as it sounds ive sorta watched you grow up and I fell in love with you from a far." he explained.

"oh.." you responded forming you lips into an 'o' shape.

"but I get it, you don't have feelings for me. you probably think im some rude monster who yells at students for a living but that ok, i got a hug from you and that's honestly all-"

you cut him off by grabbing the side of his face and the back of his head and leading his lips against yours.

he didn't kiss back at first by realizing what was happening but after he did he kissed back, slow and passionately.

"i like you ethan.." you say hugging him again.

"i..i like you too y/n"

edit: BROOO why did i pick this creepy ass ending. ethan really stalked your fine ass and became a teacher for you... period. 😭 never settle for less

ethan dolan imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now