rejected [2] ♛

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grayson rubbed e's back in circles and reassured him that everything was going to be okay.

grayson sighed and unlocked his phone going to messages and clicking on your name.

g: hey y/n

hey,  gray

g: can you come over? it's totally
fine if you don't want to.

sure, i'll be on my way soon

g: thank you


you got up from your bed and got dressed into something more presentable looking than your joggers and hoodie.

you slipped on some your favorite top and jeans along with your everyday shoes.

you grabbed your phone and small bag and headed towards their house.

you were super nervous. ethan has just rejected you and grayson invites you over? it isn't adding up. this is kind of embarrassing, you think to yourself.

hopefully ethan doesn't think i'm stalking him..

you stand outside their door for a couple seconds hesitating to knock. after finally arguing with yourself, you raise your fist and knock a couple times.

"ethan can you get the door?" grayson hollered from across the hallway.

"you're closer!"

"e please im busy!" grayson lied his best trying to get ethan to open the door.

ethan groaned and hopped his way down the stairs.

"stupid idiot" he scoffed as he opened the door.

"oh sorry.. i didn't know you thought that way about me..." you frowned.

ethan popped his head up after hearing your voice.

"n-no you're not a stupid idiot! i- i was calling grayson a stupid idiot" he explained as he stuttered uncontrollably.

"are you okay? your eyes" you frown, carefully placing your hands on his face, facing him towards you so you can get a better look.

"y-yeah..." he looks down tearing up.

"what's wrong.."

"i love you.. y/n" he tears up, grabbing your hand and playing with your fingers.

"then why did you.." you voice trailed off.

"i don't know! i was- i don't even know!" he groaned as he slapped his forehead.

you pull his arms towards you and wrapped his arms around your body and yours around his.

ethan hugged you as tight as possible, your guts were about to gush out, it felt like.

out of no where ethan picked you up and wrapped your legs around his torso.

still holding you, he walks inside and shuts the door behind him. he carries you up the stairs and carefully places you on his bed.

"can we..?" he frowns.

"can we.. fuck?" you raised an eyebrow.

"no! cuddle" he pouts, crawling in his bed and under the blankets.

"yes of course" you smile kicking your shoes off and climbing into bed beside him.

you both lay on your side facing each other.

"you're so beautiful" ethan says, breaking the science.

"no you" you say placing your head into his chest.

after a couple minutes of silence you both fall asleep in eachother a precence

"it's too fucking quiet....." grayson huffs.

"something happened" he groaned getting up from where he was sitting and walking towards ethan's room.

he slowly opened the door and saw that you two were sleeping together.

"yes!!" he silently whispered as he bumped his fist in the air.

"at least she didn't kill him" he smiled with his arms crossed.

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