Chapter 2

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***Time lapse, first day of school, Avein's POV***

I slowly opened my eye's to the sound of my alarm clock singing KISS. I drug my ass out of bed and pulled on a Motley Crue t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and straitened my hair. Lucky and I were joined at the hip, we had spent the last few days together. I skipped my make-up, as an order by Lucky, she wanted to do it. I pulled on two belts, and tripped down the stairs while pulling on my black low top Vans. I left quickly before my mother could wake up. I started my baby up and drove to Lucky's house.

Lucky's house was huge and sprawling, with perfect brick and three story's. Her yard was basically a field, except it was perfectly trimmed and cut. I honked the horn. Lucky ran out of her front door. She was in a short ruffly black skirt, black tights, a white shirt that had 'Stolen Hearts' airbrushed on the front, and a black leather vest over top of it with a sheriffs badge pinned to it. Her hair was halfway down her back and in soft loose curls. She bounced into my car, which had to be hard considering she was wearing her cowboy boots. One of those old time-y sack purses that loped around your wrist fell into her lap as she shut the door. Lucky yanked my face towards her and started applying make-up. There, beautiful." She said letting go of my face.

I looked in the mirror. My green eye's looked huge, lined with dark kohl eyeliner, Lucky had put on purple mascara on my eyelash's, no idea where she got that. My lips looked shockingly red against the pale powder she had rubbed on my skin.

"Thanks Lucky." I said. I pulled out of the driveway. Lucky cranked my stereo up, Billy Idol's voice shook the windows. I slowly pulled into the school parking lot. Lucky made a face, I felt the same way, every school was the same, 'your different so it's okay to hurt you'. I parked towards the back, Lucky insisted, she said that a little natural heat smudged her make-up better than she could. I turned the car off and got out with Lucky.

***Andy's POV***

Jake, Jinxx and I were all standing around Jakes car, which was parked under a tree, and in the shade.

"New kid?" Jake questioned as a beautiful car parked two spaces ahead of us.

Hot damn.

A girl in black skinny jeans and a Motley Crue t-shirt got out of the car. She was hot, beautiful. The passenger door opened and a very tall and sexy girl got out. My eyes shifted back to skinny jeans.

"Ashley gonna have fun." Jake muttered. No shit. Speak of the devil and Ashley Purdy shall come. I looked up to the sound of Ashley's bike.

"Damn, that's a nice body!" Sexy, western girl said.

"Talking about the bike or the boy?" Skinny jeans asked.

"Mmmm..." Was the reply.

Ashley pulled up beside Jake's car. He was wearing a cowboy hat were a helmet sh ould have gone, and in udder disregard for school rules, his shirt selves were rolled up to show his star tattoo's. I was one to talk though, I had the Batman logo tattooed on my arm.

"Well, I'll be damned." Ashley said quoting a song from his former band, Stolen Hearts. Sexy western girl was wearing a shirt with the band name on it. Ash had his, I'm getting laid tonight look on his face. As long as he stayed away from skinny jeans...

The bell rang, I couldn't help, but watch skinny jean's ass as she made her way across the parking lot.

***Avein's POV***

"That guy looks so familiar." Lucky muttered as we turned to walk away. I was silently angry at her right now. I had almost caught the eye of the beautiful blue eyed, six foot boy, when Lucky hopped out of the car. I couldn't blame him for looking though, Lucky was a sight worth seeing. She put a bit to much twist in her step as we walked up thee stairs. Her spurs jingled as they hit the concrete. We parted ways after we went to the office, Lucky had gym and I had history.

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