Chapter 23

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***Avein's POV***

Andy and I actually went to school today. I was sitting beside him in first block right now. We were writing on my notebook again. Andy took my wrist, pushed my jacket up, and drew a tiny heart on my wrist. I smiled, smile a lot today. I told myself. I wasn't noticing things the way I had the day of the cliff incident, but I was trying to be happy. Though sadness still rested in me, I tried to ignore it.

Around lunch time I felt better. Sure tomorrow, I might get beat, raped, turned back into that pathetic, useless girl I knew I was, but I still had today. Today I had Andy, and all of my friends, and today, people picked in me a little, but I could care less what they thought right now. I sat next to Andy and leaned against him. Ashley sat down and pulled Lucky in his lap. He was sporting that tattoo, and she seemed happier. Jinxx was going on and on about this girl that he had met. I listened intently, she seemed like an angel when he described her. I wondered if Andy got that glimmer in his eye when he talked about me, or if he talked about me at all. CC tried to start the food fight again, but Jinxx put a stop to it, taking away his grapes. Jake was writing guitar cords down in a notebook. Andy looked down at me, and kissed my lips.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear. I smiled a little at that.

By the time the final bell rang, my entire day had been planed by my friends. Lucky wanted a girl day, I didn't know what that meant but I had a feeling I was not going to enjoy it. Jinxx literally called dibs on coming over to Andy's to show me how to play the guitar. Then Andy wanted me the rest of the evening, and I didn't mind, I didn't know when the next time I'd get to be with him would be. Lucky drove me into town in her red Hummer. It was a pretty badass SUV, especially with Lucky driving it. She parked on a corner and decided we were going to walk. We went in and out of a few stores, Lucky bought something, but I didn't.

"Oh fuck." Lucky said. I glanced up. Shit. Brent was standing not ten feet from us. He causally walked towards us, we walked towards him, on a clear path around him. Brent caught my arm.

"Brent, getting into another fight would just be putting another nail in the coffin of your pride, leave us alone." Lucky snapped. I glared up at him. He smiled. I yanked my arm away. Fuck this shit! I couldn't do this anymore. I turned around and just...ran. I didn't know where I was going, but I wasn't staying here. I heard pounding behind me, Brent was following me.

"Stop running you stupid bitch!" He screamed. I could outrun him, I was a lazy shit, but I wasn't going to stop.

"You'll never steal my coffin!" I yelled back with a smile on my face. All I've ever done is fight, it felt nice to run. I felt...I don't I heard a loud thud behind me and a sharp curse. I slowed down to a stop, and turned around.

Brent was lying on the ground and groaning. A girl was standing over him. She was short, had black hair, and was wearing sunglasses.

"Hi, I'm Sandra."

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