Chapter 34

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***Avein's POV***

I barley got out of bed Sunday, Andy was really worried, I hardly said anything. It was like there was two of me.

Avein 1: You stupid bitch! What is wrong with you, after everything Andy did for you?

Avein 2: He'll understand. You need to do this for you. All your life nothing has worked out for you, and look how it's turned out, you have so much. He'll understand. It'll work out the way it's supposed to.

I decided not to go to school today, I lied and said I felt to bad, which wasn't exactly a lie. I hated myself right now.

Andy leaned down and kissed my forehead softly.

"I'll see you tonight...are you sure you don't want me to say here and take care of you?" He asked.

"Go Andy...I'll be alright." I rolled over and pulled the cover up higher. He sighed, then left. I waited until I heard his tires screech before I got out of bed. I grabbed a fast shower, changed into black skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt.

Then, dreadfully, I did what I had to. I cried the entire time I packed.

***Time Lapse***

I had all of my stuff packed into my car, which Luckys friend at the body shop had brought over yesterday. I was sitting at a bar stool in the kitchen.

Andy burst through the door and ran up the stairs.

"Holy fuck, holy fuck, holy- damn it!" I ran up the stairs after him.

"What?" I asked.

"I thought I saw a Batman symbol...but it was a bird." Andy sighed and sat on his bed. "Hey, where's..."

Andy looked around.

"Andy..." I pressed my lips together, perhaps I should have rehearsed this. "I...I'm so different, I..."

I stopped. Andy stood up and took a step towards me. I stepped back.

"I can't-" I shook my head feeling my voice break. "It's..."

"Wait...Ar-are you...breaking up with me?" Andy asked, his voice strained. I felt myself nod. I turned and before I knew what was happing I was in my car going 90 miles an hour towards my house.

I slammed on the brakes and ripped the keys out of the ignition.

I barley shut the door before I collapsed against it, unable to stand for the sobs racking my body. I felt warm hands on my shoulders and a kind voice, but I didn't understand. I felt myself scream, and grab my head.

***Time lapse, one week***

I was supposed to be living my life, going around and enjoy being me. But, all I did was lye in bed and hate myself. I didn't even go to school.

I rolled over. It was 10:00 p.m. Dad didn't say anything about me missing school, I had told him around sobs what I did.

Avein 1: God, what the fuck is wrong with you? You're crying, you're the one who did it!

Avein 2: Sweetie go and eat, you haven't ate in three days. I'm sure Andy's fine, you should be too. Do you remember why you even did this?

Avein 1 won over. I was stupid. Andy was the best thing I had, I was just selfish. I drug my hands across my face. Look at it this way, even if you fucked up your life, you fixed Andys. What was he going to do? He would have waited until you were better to break up with you, that would've ruined his life. So, sliver lining right?

I woke up to thunder booming. I hated storms, but also loved them. They scared me, but were so beautiful. I reached out to the other side of the bed.

"And-" I froze, my hand outstretched.

I started crying again. I curled up against myself.

Avein 1: Damn it, bitch, stop crying! You're so selfish, you should've tried harder when you were going to toss yourself off that cliff.

Avein 2: Don't listen to her. Do your self a favor and go outside tomorrow, eat, don't make what you did in vain.

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