Chapter 9

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"Andy this is stupid, I'm not doing it." I stated.

"Stop complaining, it'll be fun." Andy poked my stomach, I winced, another bruise there.

"Fine." I said with I sigh. We were standing on a cliff overlooking a giant lake.

"On three, ready, one...two...three!" Andy yelled. At the same time we both screamed as loud as we could.

"That was pathetic, come on girl, scream!" Andy said. I smiled. He counted to three again and we both screamed. I let it all out, all my frustration. I screamed until my voice was raw.

"Damn..." Andy said. I smiled, and laughed.

"Are you not worried about messing up your voice?" I questioned.

"I have no other talents, so all the juice that make talent is in my neck, I'll be fine." I giggled.

"So, what do you want to do?" Andy asked.

"Doesn't matter." I said. Andy weaved his fingers through mine. I blushed.

"Yes it does. This is your day, whatever you want, we'll do." Andy said, facing me.

"Well, I kinda want ice cream." I stated. He laughed and pulled me into the car. ***Skipping car ride***

The lady behind the counter gave Andy and I weird looks as she handed us our ice cream. We walked over to a table in the back and sat down. We talked about ourselves. Andy talked about his dreams of getting the band going, moving to L.A. and becoming famous, I bet he could do it, he just sounded so sure.

"So, what do you want to do?" Andy questioned.

"I'll figure it out when I get there." I said. "I don't really have any talents."

"Sure you do." He sounded defensive.

"Not really, I mean, I'm pretty good at cars." I said.

"There, be a mechanic." He said. I smiled. I lifted my head, Andy had his hand outstretched and got whip-cream on my nose.

"Oh, you little fuck." I snapped wiping my face with a napkin. He laughed.

"Come on." He said.

"Where are we going now?" I questioned, tossing my ice-cream away.

"Music store." He said. We drove in comfortable silence until Andy parked in front of a store call 'Lost Records'. I climbed out and followed him in. I looked through some CD's, and then I saw the most beautiful thing ever. The guitar was blue and black, with long silver strings.

"You play?" The guy behind the counter asked.

"No." I said sadly. "I've alway's wanted to learn though."

"Why don't you ask Jinxx?" Andy said.

"It's not that big of a deal."

"Jinxx would love to teach you, just ask him." Andy said.

"Alright." I said. It would be nice getting to spend more time with Jinxx, he seemed really cool. We left the shop when Andy got a call from a Jake saying they were going to practice at his house. "Oh, can I watch?"

"Yeah, why not?" Andy said. We walked out of the store and back to my car. I froze. No, no, no, no. I walked around my car. 'EMO FREAK' was scratched into the side of my car. 'KILL YOURSELF' was scratched into the other side. I sat down on the pavement and just stared at the words. Andy cursed and looked around. I sighed, what did it matter? I got up and got into the passenger seat. Andy got in the drives side.

"I am going to fucking stomp a hole in his face." Andy snapped.

"Andy, leave it alone." "Fuck no, they just..." Andy stopped talking and seethed. I looked away. He actually cared, a tiny warmth bloomed in my chest, even though I'd only know him for a few day's, it felt like I could trust Andy.

He parked in front of Jake's house. I got out and followed him into the garage.

"Excuse you!" Lucky snapped grabbing my arm. "First you disappear at the party, then leave with waking me up or saying goodbye, or helping clean up, then you just vanish at school, and not once did you think to text you best friend Lucky and reassure her you weren't dead. Hi Andy!" She put her hands on her hips. I didn't have a phone, but Lucky still expected me to text her.


"Uhh, is right." She flung her arms around me.

"Okay, we have to start practicing." Jinxx said. Lucky and I stepped back and sat on the couch. I felt my jaw drop was they started to play.

"One final fight

for this tonight

woah, oh,

With knives and pens,

we made our plight."

Andy sang like a god. I was amazed by the guitar cords, and the bashing of the drums. Ashley just jumped around and strumed a few cords, not that it wasn't impressive, and kinda hot. They played a few more times and Lucky and I clapped after they were done.

"You're coming home with me girl." Lucky said jabbing her finger in my arm. Ashley whisked her away and behind the garage, Jake and Jinxx went upstairs to play video games, and CC gave me a gentle hug before getting in his car and leaving.

"You were amazing." I told Andy. He blushed a little.

"Thanks." He said.

"Do you guys have any gigs?" I asked.

"No, we really aren't ready, we need to tighten up the cords, sometimes I sing a little to fast." He shrugged. I thought it was perfect, but whatever. I opened my mouth to say something, but Lucky came back into the garage.

"Okay, I'm ready to go." She said. Her black over shirt was gone and the strap of her tank top was down. Ashley had a sly smile on his face. Sigh...

"Bye Andy." I said with a small wave of my hand.

"Bye." He called as Lucky drug me to my car.

She gasped, "Who the fuck did this?" She yelled. I shrugged. She sat her jaw, and crossed her arms.

"Missy Proffit." She snarled. "That stupid bitch..."

"You don't know that it was her." I said.

"I heard her talking about something, after the Batman thing." She shook her head. "We'll take it to the shop tomorrow and get it fixed, then Monday I'm gonna kick her prissy ass."

"Lucky, you don't have too." I said, it'd cost a ton to buff out the scratches and then repaint.

"I'll enjoy it, don't worry." She got in the car. I rubbed my head, and slid into the drivers side. I waved at Andy and then pulled out of the driveway.

Since Sean was here my mother wouldn't notice if I didn't come home tonight. Lucky had her arms crossed.

"Lucky, clam down."

"No, I will not clam down. Or oyster down, or shellfish down." We laughed at that. I pulled into Lucky's driveway, and she drug me up stairs. We sat on her bed, watched Sweeney Todd, and I let her go on and on about Ashley.

"Okay, enough about that, what about you and the giraffe?" Lucky said.


"Andy's like 6 foot 17 inches. Did you guys kiss, make-out, other stuff?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"No." I said. "We just hung out, we got ice-cream, and went to a music store."

"Oh...well he likes you." Lucky said. I lifted an eyebrow.

"It's so obvious, but whatever, you never listen to me." Lucky grabbed some fingernail polish and started painting my nails.

It was such a normal teenage thing. It was like my life at home didn't exist. Like I wasn't the girl I knew I was.

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