Chapter 4

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***Avein's POV***

I rolled out of bed. I did my normal morning ritual, teeth, hair, skinny jeans and a Batman shirt, and Vans. Except I slipped out of my window instead of going down stairs, I was not risking running into my mother. Even though it was as hot as fuck outside I kept my jacket on, to hide...everything. I dropped into my car and drove to Lucky's house. There was a fifty/fifty shot she was there and not in Ashley Purdy's bed. As I pulled up to her house I didn't see Ashley's bike. I honked the horn. The door opened and a sexy looking Lucky stepped out, she was dressed exactly as she was the first day I met her, except she had traded the fishnets for black tights. She slipped into the car and started on my make-up before I could stop her.

"Did you sleep on your face? It's all red."

"Yeah." I muttered. Yes, I slept on my face, my mother didn't slap me because my make-up was wrong.

"Well, your still beautiful." She said. Lucky was lying to me, she looked like she just fell out of a movie seen, and when her make-up was smudge, I might as well have just rolled out of bed. I backed out of the drive way. Lucky put Escape the Fate in the CD player and sang along.

I pulled into the same parking space as yesterday.

"So...what the FUCK Lucky? What happened between you and Purdy boy?"

She giggled. "He drove me home, and I invited him up to my room. We chatted, laughed, then he slipped out my window when my parents came home." I lifted my eyebrow. "I'm sexy, not a whore." ***Andy's POV***

"And that's it? No kissing or sexing took place?" CC questioned. Ashley nodded.

"Then you slipped out her window when her parents came home...and haven't seen her since?" Jake asked. Ashley nodded again. I caught eye of Avein's car. They didn't get out at first, but then they stepped out. I smiled, Avein was wearing a Batman shirt. Lucky and Avein made their way over here. Lucky slipped under Ashley's outstretched arm, he smiled and kissed her temple, she giggled. We all stared slack jawed as Ashley Purdy held Lucky like she was his girlfriend. She stepped away from him when the bell rang. He tossed a arm over her sexy shoulders and walked ahead of us with her.

"I'm worried." Jake said. Avein seemed equally concerned about Lucky.

"Maybe they're growing up?" Jinxx suggested. I shrugged. I heard a girl scoff, it was directed at Avein, I heard her muttered something about Batman.

"Yes!" Avein yelled, this surprised me. "I fucking love Batman. In fact he may be the only superhero I wouldn't cheat on with Nightwing. What are you going to do about it bitch?" Avein held her arms out. Missy just stared at her. Avein spun on her heel and walked inside.

"Damn, wouldn't cheat with Nightwing, that's love." CC muttered. Jinxx slapped him upside the head and walked into the school, I followed.

***Avein's POV***

I sighed when the lunch bell finally rang. I was fucking tired of today, everyone heard about the Batman incident and was talking about it. I met up with Lucky, and Ashley, at Lucky's locker. Many, many, guys were shooting him death glares. Somehow he slipped that cowboy hat around the teachers. Lucky abandoned Ashley's arms to link hers through mine. She swung her lunch box in her other hand.

"Oh shit." She said, turning around, "I forgot something, I'll be back." Lucky disappeared, Ashley right next to her. I walked towards the lunch room.

Two hands slammed into my shoulders. I stumbled back. It was that Brent guy, what the fuck kinda name is Brent anyway? I just stood there.

"Come on you little freak." He shoved me again, dropping his books. I bent down and picked them up. I handed him his books, stared at him for a second, then spun on my heel and walked away.

"Stupid bitch." He yelled. I felt something sharp and heavy slam into my back. I froze, fuck this. I turned and and smashed my fist into his already bruised face. That's when the teacher decided to react. I was drug away from the scene. My eye's caught perfect blue ones before the teacher yanked me around a corner.

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