Swear To Love Me (Black Veil Brides FanFic)

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****Avein’s POV****

I kept my face turned to the window. My mother was forcing me to move, senior year, to Cincinatti. She had the radio turned up loud enough that I could hear it through my headphones, and she knew it. I turned my music up, and Ronnie Radke’s voice drownd out my thoughts.

Finally we pulled into the subdivison we were moving to. It was just as mom had said. It was shit, every house was falling apart, and the yards were covered in junk. Mom pulled the moving truck into a drive way that was reativly nice, the siding was fading, the porch steps were crumbling and the yard was harshly over grown. I jumped out and checked on my baby. My baby being a black 1967 Couger. I loved this car. It was the one good thing my mother ever did for me.

I walked into the house. The paint was peeling, water marks dotted the ceiling, the corners were rotting, the carpet was moldly, and my mother wouldn’t do shit about it. I walked up the creaky steps. The upstairs was small, a single huge room. My mother would have perfered this gaint space, but then she relised she could lock me up here, and forget her burden. There was even a bathroom up here.

I quickly unpacked. I had sold my dresser because this room did have a kick ass walk in closet. I set my cheap bed up, pushed my nightstand against the wall beside it. I tacked up my posters, laid my two pairs of shoes by the door, put my bathroom stuff in the bathroom. Then stopped to look around, my only conncetion to the outside world up here were the five windows on my right wall. I had pushed the head of my bed under them. There was a window seat that streached across all the windows. I sat up a few empty picture frames, an empty flower pot, and a hot wheel car that looked just like my real one on the seat. The trees were basicly part of the house. One branch stretched out farther than the rest and curved under my window.

I took a shower to wash the move away. I heard the T.V downstairs click on. I blow dried and straightend my hair. I pulled on skinny jeans, a Batman shirt, bracelets, and my three year old Chucks. I rubbed on white face powder, and lined my eyes with kohl eyeliner. I opened the window and crawled out onto the tree branch. I shimmed down the tall tree, if I fell I wouldn’t die, but it would hurt like hell, and I would probably break something. I walked down the road. I left my baby, I wanted to get a feel of the town I was trapped in.

It was at least 50 zillion degrees out here, but I didn’t take my black hoodie off. At least Mom had made me move during the summer, there was one week left before school started. I put my ear buds in and walked into town, I stepped up onto the sidewalk. I walked past a few shops, and this weird department store called Biggs’.

“Sorry, the idea of fucking someone with their head shoved that far up their own ass is not appealing.” I heard a girl say. I glanced up. She was tall and thin. She was wearing a dress you’d see on any old western showgirl, Except this one was sold black, and only reached her thigh. She had fish nets under it, and her hair was piled on top of her in the same show girl fashion. She completed the look with black cowboy boots that had sliver spurs.

“Come on Lucy, let’s just talk about it.” A guy in kakki shorts, a bright purple shirt, and way to much hair gel, said.

“Sorry,” Lucy said, faning herself with an old timey wooden fan that she artfully opened with a flick of her wrist, “I have a pervious engagment.” She said noticing me. She walked over and looped her arm through mine. I got the hint. I stood a little straighter. “Oh, come on, the more the merrier.” Doushe guy said.

“Speak to me again and I’ll kick your ass, then scream rape.” Lucy warned. She turned on her heel and drug me with her. “Thanks.”

“For what?”

“Your hottness was a good destration so I could come up with a good comeback. I’m Lucky, not Lucy.”

“Avein.” I said. It was pronounced uh-vein. Lucky must have been high, next to her long legs, and face with dark make-up slightly smuged by the heat, I looked like a nun who just rolled out of bed.

“Nice to meet you. I’ve been here two weeks, two weeks, all the girls here are sassy bitches, not as sassy as me of course, I should have had that idea pattioned.” Lucky smiled.

“Sorry…?” I tried. She laughed.

“How old are you?”

“Senior, 17.” I said, one more fucking year. “Me too.” Lucky answered, Lucky was too sexy to be 17. Lucky pulled me into a coffe shoppe and ordered some weird concoction that involved a lot of whip-cream. I didn’t order anything. Lucky sat on a bar stool and I followed suit. She faned herself. The black velvet chocker around her neck was thick with sweat.

“It is to hot in this goddamn town, do you know how hard it is to walk around in this, when it’s nice trillion degrees outside?” Lucky snapped.

“No.” I tried again. Lucky laughed. We started talking. We talked until the shop closed, almost eight hours, I didn’t know I had that much to say, but Lucky drug it out of me. I parted ways with the skimpy Lucky and walked home.

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