Chapter 30

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***Avein's POV***

I went back stage and was scoped by Andy. He had a giant smile on his face. All I could do was kiss him. We laughed. Andy spun around, me still in his arms. Lucky came in, her face looking untouched by tears, and she hugged Ashley. Sandra threw her arms around everyone. Lucky tried to throw an after party, but we talked her out of it. I leaned in and whispered in Andy's ear.

"I can't wait to be alone with you."

Andy's smiled deepened. The bar owner came through, saying the guys needed to go out and sign autographs before there was a riot. I was going to hang back here and wait, but Andy drug me out there with him. About twenty people were still there, holding out pieces of paper. I laughed as they swarmed around, Andy signed everything he could. One girl even yanked her shirt open and asked him to sign her breasts. I shrugged and he did. Eh, I was going home with him, so...

Dad pulled him into a hug before he left. I told him we could go look at the house tomorrow. Dad made sure to congratulate the band, even gave Andy one of those, only guys know how to do this, hugs.

Finally everyone left. We went back stage again, and drank bears, and Andy smoked. I didn't, I just, didn't want to. Nobody tried to pressure me into it either.

Finally, finally, we left. I held Andy's hand. He couldn't stop smiling.

"It just...damn, I want to do that every day." He said.

"One day you'll get too, you guys were kick ass." Andy laughed. "You will." I snapped, jabbing him in the ribs.

"Okay, only if you say so."

We got to his house. His parents were back, they tackled him with questions. Andy could barley answer them before they asked more.

"Oh, baby, you look exhausted." Andy's mother said, pushing his hair back. "You two go on up to bed, you can tell us about it tomorrow."

The sad part was, there was nothing more to tell. We went upstairs and quickly got ready for bed, both of us taking a shower...separately. I walked into Andy's room, running my fingers through my freshly blow-dried hair. I walked over to the bed and tucked myself against him, he was already half asleep.

"I can't believe you sung that for me." I whispered, half hoping he didn't hear.

"Of course I did." He rolled to his side and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you. Forever."

I felt my heart leap into my throat, my stomach drop, and all my other organs rearrange themselves.

"Forever?" I managed to get out.

"Yeah." He said that like it was a good thing. Andy gently kissed my neck. I tucked my head down.

Forever sounded...scary.

"I love you so much. I have no idea what I'd do if you left, or something happened...just, I can't think about it." Andy shook his head against mine. "You better not die first..." He warned, then fell asleep...



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