Chapter 1

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My quill was dashing along the parchment at the same speed of my racing heart. I was finally writing my enrollment letter to Kings College, my dream college and best of the best college in the country. The thought of having such a wonderful and inspirational education was thrilling to me. I knew it would help my journey to become the first woman secretary of Congress, as crazy as it sounds, but I know it will happen some day. Papa believes in me, too.

My letter was written to a Mr Ryan Williams, the current Headmaster of this prestigious school. I've heard he's more stubborn that a mule, but my heritage, excellent grades, and persuasion skills should help my chances rise. Not to mention in still quite young, 16 only, which can help prove an example of excellency and brilliance, at least according to my adoring father, Aaron Burr. I graduated from high school two years younger than everyone else, when my senior classes proved to be easy and simple. I, like any other student who'd done something similar, was proud of such an accomplishment at what is perceived as a young age. My heart wanted to brag about it, be openly boastful and prideful over it. But, growing up as my father's daughter, I knew that wouldn't happen. I would never be arragont enough, selfish enough, or unwise enough to actually share my opinion like that. It might cause conflict, revealing our opinions and potentially ruining our relationships, dragging our names through the mud, ending both our careers. I've only ever blown over three times, and each reason very understandable.

The first was when I was nine, and my good friend William Yark discriminated against me because of my sex. The next was when I was 13, when a middle aged man tried to court me into his bed. The last was last year, when I saw a man publicly shame my father. Other than those reasons, I don't accept any other tantrums of mine. With that, I signed off my letter as,

Ms. Theodosia Burr.

I brought my letter down the stairs, searching for an envelope before sliding it neatly into it's fold. I wrote the address in the corner, and tried to write as nearly as possible, Mr Ryan Williams. It took a moment to find, but once I did find the wax and stamp, I placed the wax over the candle to start melting. I went back upstairs to grab a pair of aqua flats and a velvet hat with cyan feathers to match my aqua color of the day. Coming downstairs, I slipped my beautiful velvet coat on, the violet color glistening in the light. As I enter the dining room again, I grab the wax that melted about 1/4 of the way, and let it drip into a giant circle right at the envelopes fold. I quickly grab the family stamper, imprinting the Burr symbol into the wax. My excitement overwhelmed me, and I gently kiss the hot wax in hopes it would make it lucky. It dented slightly at the weight of my lips, but regained it's shape slowly.

"May I ask why my daughter is making out with hot wax?" My father's voice chuckles, making me set the letter down and look up to him entering the room. I laugh, blushing slightly.

"I need to mail this letter off and kissed it in hopes of good luck... like Mother would." I say, messing around with the corners of my coat.

This brings a sad smile to my father's face as he quietly reminisces of the late Theodosia Burr Sr, my mother and his wife. He nods, "Alright then."

We stand in silence for a moment before I instantly remember my manners. I fly to the cupboard, opening it in search for some crackers.

"I'm so sorry, Papa!" I apologize, "I'd forgotten my manners. Does cheese and crackers sound like a good after-work snack?"

Papa laughs, shaking his head. "General, haven't we gone over this? I'm not some husband you need to please, I thought we already established this when we started rotating who makes dinner."

I close the cupboards slowly, bowing my head. "Sorry, I'd forgotten."

"Its alright, General."

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