Chapter 28

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The next few months of my life were hectic. My throat had healed and any sign of bruises had completely disappeared. It's June 3rd, and I had kissed my father's sleeping head. Placing the note excusing my absence aside his bed, I crept from the room. It was barely eight o'clock and Papa had gotten the past few days off. He took the opportunity to sleep in.

I went to my room and took off all of my clothes until I was naked. Then, I took some cloth and wrapped it continually around my chest. From my profile, my chest was none existent. After this, I stole the male clothes stashed under my bed and dressed as a boy. With the help of various pins, I tied my hair up and out of the way. Leaving some baby hairs to act as an indication of a male hairstyle, I slid the cap over my head. All that was left was some hairs stuck to adhesive to act as the beginnings of a goatee. With a confident expression, I climbed out of my window to not arise suspicion as to why a boy was leaving the Burr residence. Especially since I'm engaged.

I marched on through town with a more confident air than I typically produce. I've noticed that people tend to respect you more as a man. They move aside for you and people don't catcall you everytime you bend over. However, more salesmen come and swarm me. As a woman they would assume she would only be spending someone else's money. Oddly enough they choose to respect her husband's or whoever's money more than her. When it's a man, they reconisge they make their own money and can spend it as recklessly as earned. I was inches from Madison Square Garden when I was swarmed by a hot dog vender.

"I'm a vegetarian!" I shout in the most masculine voice I could produce. With that I dashed into the garden. At the same place of Ace's proposal, I spotted him casually reading a book. He closed it at the sight of me, sliding it in a leather bag slung around his shoulder, and we began a silent walk towards The Tower. The Tower was an infamous name for the Empire State Building. The top two floors were abandoned since the floors were unstable. Since then, criminals, gypsies and members of the black market have entered there. Rudy, an eledery woman, runs the thing.

Philip opened the door for me which I give a smug smile in return. At the front desk, a young man with a small goatee is writing something furiously on paper.

"Hello? May we see Rudy?" I ask. He nods, kicking the door behind him repeatedly until Rudy enters.

Rudy is old and quite frankly the manliest you could be without being a man. She has wisps of white hairs around her chin and above her lips, and a short hair cut. The only way you know she is a woman is the fact she doesn't clean her menstrual blood. Gross but true. She lets it drag on the floor and stain everything. When it's done she cleans it and it's pretty much it. She spots us and tosses us a key.

Heading to the back we unlock the Employees Only door. With wary eyes, the two of us begin our journey up the eighty seven and a quarter staircases. The climb is obnoxious and painful, with us biting our lips harder everytime a sharp pain is sent through our thighs. Every once in a while we stop and take a few minutes to regain our strength and breath. Then, giving each other a look full of dread, we begin the treacherous journey up. As you reach the top you can hear the groans of the new people just starting the climb. Philip and I exchange glances of worry and empathy with those at the first or second staircase. As we approach our last two sets, we hear the cheers and music of the Tower ahead. No doubt a bunch if drunks happily partying at 9 o'clock in the morning. Perspiration soaking the top of our clothes and I had to readjust my hair and hat. After fixing it all, I opened the door to the crowd awaiting us. Just as I had guessed, it was full of drunks and partiers and perverts alike joining together in the glowing lights and bar. Those who normally fight on the New York City streets simply gave glares and that was it. Beer seemed to be the only remedy to constant anger. The bartender spotted us and said, "174" then tossed a key. We walked down the topsy turvy hall and unlocked room 174.

"Why must they have the staircase be so long!" I complain, lying on the bed in desperate need of relaxation. Philip was a strict teacher and dragged me up.

"We're teaching you to be male! Boys don't complain like that! Retry that sentence." He demanded.

"Why can't the damn fool's fix the staircase. It too long." I say with a questioning tone. Ace sighs and shakes his hand in the air. This indicts it was so/so.

"Not terrible." He says. "Be a bit more angry and really turn red."

"The damn fools need to fix the staircase!" I spit. "We will all die of overexhurstion by the time we get up here!" I then curse the makers of the buildings with foul words I rather not to repeat.

Philip smiles. "As cute as that was, men wouldn't be that angry. Just pissed."

"Without the ****, ***, and *******?" I repeat.

"You got it."

"The damn fools need to fix the staircase! We will all die of overexhurstion by the time we get up here!" I snort, crossing my arms angrily. Philip nods, smiling and motioned to let me sit down. I sat the way I've always been taught. Gently, as not to make a noise in the chair, legs together barely pointed towards a direction with your hands neatly on your lap. Spread your dress out, slowly remove gloves if needed, and have your hands comfortably, but not sloppily, in your lap once more. Philip gives me a look and I sigh before getting up. I plop down loudly and place my right ankle on my left knee so my view is a right angle. Place a g and on the right knee and pull mg other arm out to lean against the chair.

He nods, and begins searching through his leather bag. He pulls out a small chalkboard and a package of chalk. After placing it in my hands, he sits on the bed and opens up his "Big Book of Gentlemen's Manners". It takes him a few moments to find the proper page, but he clears his throat.

"Are you ready Theo?" I nod.
(Feel free to comment your answers as well! I'd love to see some of your answers 😜)

"Question 1. When a young lady is inside a carriage, should you...
A) wait for her to step out on her own accord.
B) let the driver open the door then offer your hand for assistance 
C) open the door and offer your hand for assistance?"

I chew on my thumb for a second before writing down C. Philip gives me ten seconds before his little bell dings. As usual, I answer before it can.

"Incorrect, the right answer is 'B) let the driver open the door then offer your hand for assistance.'"

"What? That is preposterous! How rude and hard on the poor driver! Why when I'm a man-"

"Theo, you either follow the rulebook or have me marry pig man's daughter."

"Why when you phrase it that way I might just give you over!"

"Come on, you know you love me."

I tap my chin. "Do I though, do I?" He prompts me over and grabs my face for a kiss. I become putty and kiss back.

The door sharply opens with a drunk male and prostitute. He sees us as we break away and shakes his beer bottle apologetically.

"Sorry homos." She giggles before closing the door. After the door closes I leave Philip's side. The two of us explode into laughter.

"At least you look like a dude." Philip grins ear to ear.

"To a drunk dude and girl wearing only stars on her nipples and a skirt." I retort back, sitting in my former position.

"She wasn't drunk!"

"She's stupid enough to sell her body!"

"Maybe she has a child to support!" He argues

"Those prostitutes do it at night when the kid isn't awake. It's not even ten in the morning."

"How do you know?" He questions. My heart falls and I turn white. Why did I bring this up?

"My mom had to do it when she was little. Her father forced her when she was nine until she ran away at fourteen." I swallow my spit, looking away.

Philip nods, frowning. "I'm sorry."


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