Chapter 9

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A/N: Any Hamilton fan can recognise the lyrics to Schuyler Defeated, but I modified the original and current. If it's a little different, that's why.

"He can't just declare some random law without discussing with the Senate!" I talk with my father. "They haven't even officially appointed you the position yet!"

"I know, Theodosia. The situation's helpless. Adams is so keen on this law, the good news is our House of Representatives should bring a stop to the man." Papa says.

The birds chirp as we talk, the people hustling around. It was early in the morning, and I was walking my father to work in order to go to Kings College's library. The best selection in the state. While I was still hurt by their rejection, nothing could prevent me from my love of books. As we walked, I saw the sea of people part, and an angry man dashed towards us. Greasy black hair pulled back, a olive green suit with a horrible set of eyebrows charged through, straight to us.

"Burr!" He shouts, his voice making me grip my father's arm tighter. "Since when are you a Democratic-Republican?!" He shouts in my father's face.

Oh, I knew who this man was. Alexander Hamilton. The man we've despised from the beginning. Furious at Burr's winning.

"Since being one put me on the up and up again." My father replies simply.

Alexander Hamilton spreads his arms out wide, giving my father a dumbfounded expression. "No one knows who you are or what you do!"

I struggle to restrain my tongue, furious for his insult towards my family name.

"They don't need to know me, they don't like you." Papa's seemingly calm and reckless response has been giving him a shocked expression. Did he really just have the stomach to say such a thing?

Hamilton touches his chest, surprised just as much as I was. "Excuse me?"

Father shrugs, releasing me to step forward. He folds his hands behind his back and looks down to Alexander, he's at least 4 inches taller. "Oh, people on Wall Street think you're great. You'll always be adored by the things you create, but upstate-" he gives an uneasy look.


"- people think you're crooked. Schuyler's seat was up for grabs so I took it."

My mouth is probably touching Satan's hellfire right now from how low it's going. He must really be fed up to be able to say all of this without being paranoid of what others are thinking about him. While his comebacks are insulting and evermore true, I'm wondering what this will do for either of their reputations.

Alexander shakes his head disapprovingly. "I've always considered you a friend."

"I don't see why that has to end."

This mere comment my father makes has me cringing. Even he should know why that has to end. Whether Hamilton was angry over Papa winning against his father-in-law or not, my father had given him plenty of insults to drive Alexander away.

"You changed parties to run against my father-in-law!" Hamilton shouts.

"I changed parties to seize the opportunity I saw." He sighs, shaking his head. "I swear, your pride will be the death of us all. 'Beware, it goeth before the fall'."

A beautiful woman with long black locks hanging down her back and soft kind eyes quickly strolled to us. Next to her I who appeared to be... Ace? My eyes widen and I begin to be speak before quickly shutting my mouth again. Why is associating with the Hamiltons!?

'It's not what you think' he mouths to me, so the adults can't tell. I hold my ground, glaring at him, hoping he's right.

"Alexander! There you are." The woman says, her pink cheeks tinting slightly.

Mr Hamilton's caught off guard, as he turns to the beautiful lady. "Eliza?"

"You forgot your papers." She hands him a flimsy letter, the name 'Honey' quickly scribbled at the top. This must be Mrs Hamilton. Eliza turns to us, looking at my father. "Mister Burr, sir, it's been so long. How are the Theodosia's?"

"As a matter of fact, my wife has passed away."

Mrs Hamilton gasps, looking sadly at him. She shakes her head in a depressed manner. "I'm not surprised, with the chill. My deepest regards for your loss."

"Thank you."

"And how's your daughter?" Eliza asks kindly, holding her husband's arm.

"She's my pride and joy, she's this lovely woman next to me."

Suddenly all the attention is turned to me, and I break from my father to curtisy. "Hello Mrs Hamilton, I'm Theodosia Burr Jr."

Eliza's first reaction is to come towards me, her arms open, and tightly clutch me in her grasp. She looks to my eyes and smiles. "I haven't seen you since you were 8, just around the time my little Philip turned 9!"

Mr Hamilton tenses, but Mrs Hamilton seems unaware. Something tells me he did something during Philip's birthday, I'll have to figure out later.

"Thank you ma'am! You're so sweet. How is Philip anyway?" I ask kindly. Though I've never met the boy, I know some manners.

"He's right here," Eliza says, and turns as Ace awkwardly comes forward.

Before I can say a word, Ace, or Philip now, takes my hand. He bends over and kisses my knuckles, looking me dead in the eye. His action makes me blush, but upon memory of who he pretended to be, I get angry. My fury builds and I pull my hand from his grasp. He knew very well who I was, yet he continued to flirt and stuff me with alcohol. This causes the adults to look at me.

"Philip!? You're Philip Hamilton? Of all the men in the world, your a Hamilton!" My fury raises, and I back away with a snarl on my lips. Everyone stares at me, but I'm blinded with the anger. Pointing a finger in his chest, I glare up at him. "You knew exactly who I was then continued to flirt and intoxicate me! Why, I wouldn't be surprised if you were the very man who tried to take advantage of me in that bar." I turn to Papa, pecking his cheek. "Have a good day, Father, I'm. Going. Home."

With a furious and deadly passion in my eyes, I trudge away from the group. I can feel their eyes burning my back, but continue to leave in a hustle. Tears begin to form in my eyes and the burning becomes hard to stop.

"Theodosia!" Philip cries, grabbing my arm and forcing me to turn. The second his skin comes in contact with mine the tears are let out, and they sprinkle our arms from the dramatic turn. "Oh, Angel-"

"Don't touch me!" I shout, pulling my arm from his.


"Leave already, Philip! You have lost meaning in my heart by lying so horribly to me!"

Immaturely, I run. It's childish and very selfish of me to run, but to be frank, I need to. People immediately make room for me as I race through the city, and tears are flowing down my cheeks. Talk is replaced with a harsh and determined thumping noise, like a heartbeat. It got faster and faster as I ran around the city up into the country side. I stopped right as the city became country, staring at the hills. Turning, I see Philip bounding after me.

"Go away!" I scream, bunching up my dress and racing up the hill to the willow tree. Diving through the leaves and pressing my body against the wood in hopes he doesn't find me. After a minute or two, I open my eyes and am startled by the beauty. Dark green vines, hanging gorgeously from the branches shifted ever so slightly in the wind. A beautiful, light blue sky shone it's way as the day begins to shine. My breath is taken away, and I let a small smile come onto my lips.

"Please listen to me," a male voice says from my side, making me turn quickly and back away. It's Philip.

"No, I don't need to listen to you."

"Please, Angel-"

"Don't call me Angel!"

"Ms Theodosia Burr Jr, I would like to discuss matters with you. I won't ever bother you ever again, but please let me talk." He begs, his desperate freckled face almost successfully winning me over. Almost.

"There is no reason in the world I need to talk with you! You are despicable and-"

"I want you as my wife." Philip says seriously, looking me in my eyes.

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