Chapter 30

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"Theodosia, you just must join us at the beach!" Eliza insisted, smiling warmly. She had come over for luncheon with me at my house, and we were discussing our upcoming plans for the summer. Alexander and her had rented a beach home for next week, and Eliza desperately wants me to go. "Angelica has decided she wants to become a Brit, so she went off with Francis for the next two months. Besides my toddler Eliza Jr., I will have no other females in the house!"

I laugh, shaking my head. "Now, now, that won't do!"

"Frankly it won't. Besides, it'll give your father and Alexander a chance to become friends. Give them at least a weekend to not be going after each other's throats over taxes and what not." Eliza laughs again, and I walk over with the teapot.

"I'm not sure if my father can come," I say, pouring the tea. "However, I would enjoy going so much! I haven't gone to the beach since I was a little girl. I hardly remember the feeling."

The older woman took a sip of the burning liquid, and I watched as a worried look crossed her face. It only lasted a second, which was enough for me to know something is up. This trip was more than just a venture to the beach, Eliza must be trying for something. Something. But what?

Pushing the thoughts from my head, I continue conversation normally. We chat some more and my father comes in unexpectedly.

"Papa, Mrs. Hamilton was just telling me of their new beach idea. They've invited us to come along next week for a weekend." I tell Papa, watching the slight twitch in his right eye indicate a probably not.

"Sounds delightful Theodosia, but I'm afraid I can't go." Papa smiles kindly, tipping his hat before placing it on the counter. Eliza smiles, pursing her lips.

"Is there something political Alexander forgot to inform me of? I practically forced him to hand me his schedule so I could choose a suitable time."

I glance to where I supposed Papa to be standing only to see he left. Rude. Eliza looks at this then turns to me.

"I'll go give him his hat and a cup of tea, he can be very tired without tea." I pour a cup of the warm drink and slip the hat under my arm. "While I'm up, I'll check his schedule."

Eliza nods, and I leave the room. Papa stood at the base of the stairs with a sour look on his face and I match it with one of pure anger. "Papa! That was incredibly rude!" I whisper shout to him, fuming.

He purses his lips at me, words caught in his throat. His mouth was poised open ever so gently for him to inform me of my improper ways. I smirked in an arrogant way, knowing I had won by the defeated and confused look in his eyes.

Placing his hat on his head and handing the cup over, I give him a pointed look. "You are going to go in there and tell her we are free!"

"Theodosia, I am the father here." Burr challenges, transforming the conversation, that originated as one of equals, into one of desperate power. The father card. A card he often used when I was a child in need of saving, though now I find the card offensive. Only certain situations call and I highly doubt this was the one. His pride got in the damn way.

"Papa, you are the father. But no parent is perfect, and as your child I have every authorization to reconisge said mistakes." My nostrils flared, sign of trouble. "This helps you evolve as a human, words you have said to me in similar situations. Now be a man and get in there!"

Papa frowned, biting his own tongue as nasty words of rebuttal fought against his consciousness. With a sigh of defeat he handed his hat to me, watching me with soreful eyes as I hung it up on the rack.

"Follow me." I turn so fast, I can here the noise my hair makes when making fast contact with my hair. Marching into the room with a ladies graceful way, Eliza bites back a laugh. Over what, I'm not sure. It's enough to send heat to my cheeks and I pray my dark complexion saves me from further embarrassment.

Papa strides in, not so nonchalantly gulping his cup of tea. It dribbles down the side of his mouth. I watch in horror as he takes an eternity to realise, reach for it with his jacket, then stain the white fabric a gentle brown. My eyes narrow.

"Mr. Burr, has your schedule cleared?" Mrs. Hamilton asks.

He gives a tight lip smile. "Yes," he said. "I confused this week with the next. We leave on Sunday?"

Eliza claps her hands, nodding. "Yes, three days away! My girl, I'm so excited."

Her words are intended for the two of us. However, her straight look to me and use of 'My girl' point her words of happiness to me. I feel great pleasure roam through my body, exciting me that such a high compliment was about me. Stupid, yet my ego got a lovely boost. Something everyone needs every once in a while.

"We are excited too, truly." Papa said before I could. We exchange looks and I assure him I am very proud.

Papa continued to chat for a bit before looking at the time and leaving. Eliza stays, and we transfer to the living room.

"So, Theodosia, I wanted to ask you some questions about politics while we are alone." Eliza begins, making my eyes go wide. I enjoy the topic but am afraid to admit so openly to her. "Alexander has received some news of your father mentioning something about running for President. What do you think?"

I try to appear as nonchalant as I can but inside I want to cry. He hadn't told me? Such an important desicion and he didn't tell me? Why, most of his papers he has me proof read. How could he not! Bastard! I grow more and more angry by the minute and Eliza notices my change in emotion. She purses her lips.

"I'm not sure of what to think. He would make a great President, however he needs to think everything over first." I answer. She nods.

"Well, I should be going." Eliza smiles, kissing my head as she gets up. I smile back, gritting my teeth to contain my rage. I assist her out.

"That traitor!" I scream, barely seconds after the door closes. "He didn't tell me!"

Running through the house, I try to see if he remained at all. My face was burning furiously and I wanted nothing more than to slap him. Calm down, Theodosia, no need to physically attack your father.

A knock on the door startled me, and I came down instantly. Madison, beaming, came with arms full of clothes.

"What is this?" I asked, confused with the dresses in her hands.

"You need a wedding dress, I have a hookup." Madison smiles shyly, staring at her feet. I let her come inside, buzzing at the prospect of a dress. We head to my room, where Madison quickly heads back down so I can dress.

The first option is one of older taste. Large sleeves with a tight bodice and abundant skirt. I don't hate it, but am not in love with it. Twirling is hard in it, but Madison seems to adore it.

The second is a slim dress. It clings to my body like glue, revealing some curves best hidden. The cut is low, but the sleeves flow for eternity.

The third is my favorite, a cream color. A lacy top that is short sleeved, with a skirt that hangs gently from my hips. It soft and delicate, perfect for a wedding gown.

Hey everyone! It's Uni, and as you know, updates are slow. My inspiration has run dry, but I don't have intents of ending this book yet. I'm so sorry to any of the readers who are waiting for the chapters! I have a question for you guys as well. As a creative writer, I have had many ideas I'd love to write novels on. Though I get nervous to publish on Wattpad. If you guys are interested in my own original ideas rather fan fiction than make sure to comment. If not, that is totally understandable. Fan fiction is a delight to read and I can understand that people would prefer my attention to be on the book. Love you all 💜💜💜

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