Chapter 22

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A/N: Prepare yourselves.

Mrs Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton stood behind Philip with her arms crossed and pursed lips. She gave us a hearty glare, and my shocked expression had Philip turning around.

"M-mother!" He cries, eyes widening at the information.

Elizabeth scowls. "I can't believe it. To think the entire time you forced Theodosia to marry you!"

"No! It's nothing like that Mrs Hamilton!" I shake my head.

"I assume she knows of what your father did and the whole arrangement?" She hisses, and I know she's referring to King George III's daughter.

"I-mother! Yes she knows but I didn't force her!" Philip says desperately. "She married me willingly."

"I don't believe it, not after Frances!" She shakes her head profoundly. "You will not make yet another marry you just so you don't have to marry the princess!"

"Mrs Hamilton!" I stop, stepping between the two Hamilton's.

"This isn't your concern Th-"

"No, madam, it is. I am a loyal friend of Philip's, though I haven't known him for long. He openly told me I can decline his offer, and he wouldn't pester me. While yes, he shouldn't have asked me," I give him a side look and spot his sheepish figure. "At least he had somebody he knew would help save him. Give him a break, Mrs Hamilton, nobody wants to be in an arranged marriage. You didn't. Besides, spending every waking hour with this idiot doesn't sound too bad to me at all. And, who knows, we might even grow to truly love each other as you and Alexander do."

Ah, hitting her where it's familiar works like a charm. She slowly seems to register what I've said, and her angry facade drops nearly instantly.

"Theodosia, I don't know what to say. What will you be benefiting out of this?" She asks, crossing her arms with an exasperated shrug.

"Education." I answer, and she raises an eyebrow to urge me to continue. "Since I was younger, I've dreamt of being the first secretary for Congress in the United States of America. To start, I need a college education. While I know a few community colleges will accept female students, I was-AM determined to get the best possible education." I snap my fingers. "Kings College. However, when I applied they turned me down because I have a vagina rather a penis." I roll my eyes when the slightest pink is spotted on Ace's ears. Immature boys. "So, Philip is going to dress and teach me how to act like a male, and I am to attend the college as such. I am going to be Mr Joseph Theodore Alston."

With her jaw open, Mrs Hamilton looks out of words. I shrug nonchalantly, and Philip comes to my side, digging his foot in the ground.

Taking a sharp breath, Elizabeth pinches the bridge of her nose. "Theodosia Burr Jr, you are by the far the biggest wonder I've ever met. You are willing to marry somebody for the rest of your life, for four years at some lousy college. Do you know how ridiculous this is? You have so much potiental, you don't need to rely on others to boost you."

"I'm not relying on them. I'm taking advantage of my surroundings. Even if Philip hadn't offered, one way or another, I would have found a way to my goal." I sigh, frustrated by how oblivious she is the plan.

"You, Philip, and myself tomorrow at 1 for brunch at the Dupain-Cheng Bakery, got it?" Elizabeth instructs. "It's cold, I'm tired, you're tired. Let's go to bed and discuss this tomorrow, understood?"

(Yes I just brought MLB into this, shush, I can mix fandoms)

"Yes ma'am." We answer in unison.

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