Chapter 4

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The next few days were a blur, I was constantly running to and fro our house to fetch things for Papa in the Hospital. It's also been quite tiring sleeping in the stiff wooden chairs they offer for guests, but a blanket and a book help both me and my father to sleep. I've been reading Treasure Island out loud at night, and Papa's been loving every moment of it. One night, as I finish up chapter 8, I close the book and see him asleep. Satisfied, I set the book aside and grab my pair of sleepwear I brought. I sneak from the room carrying the clothes, and slip into a restroom. I quickly change into my nightgown and slippers, then let my hair cascade down my back once more.

As I leave, Dr Collins who's been the assigned doctor for my father spots me. Embarrassed, I try to hide. I'm not wearing a bra, so my nipples are probably showing. Not something I want my doctor to see.

"Ms Burr! So glad I caught you, I have great news for you." He says cheerfully, his blotchy pink cheeks turning pinker from merriness.

"Oh?" I respond, crossing my arms to hide my chest.

"Your father will be released tomorrow morning. Actually, why don't you come down to the front desk so I can show you the paperwork I'd like you to sign. There's certain medical care you need to give him." He smiles.

I sigh, having no choice but to comply. "Why not, Dr Collins?"

"That's the spirit!"

We proceed down the stairs as Dr Collins animatedly talks about his job and how much he loves helping people. I tune out, desperately trying go find discreet ways to hide my nipples that seem to pierce through the thin fabric.

"So, here is the papers. Remember, he needs to try to lay on his bandaged ear five minutes a day. He must always be walking place to place, being wheeled will worsen his condition." Dr Collins reminds me, then gives me a pen.

I nod. "Of course."

I take the pen, sit down, then proceed to read and sign many different documents. It takes hours, and I find my eyelids getting heavier by the second. I remember reaching the end, signing off Theodosia Burr Jr before the pen went dry. My shoulders slumped, I forced my body to leave the chair. My body ached, I'd been deprived of a good sleep for over three days. I haven't slept since 5 am this morning.

I reach the front desk, setting the papers down.

"Ma'am," Doctor Collins starts to sway, "May you sign these?"

I blank out.

My eyes open quickly and I shoot from the bed in a panicked mess. It takes a moment to realize I'm in a hospital bed, similar to the one my father was in. The walls are eggshell white and I'm wearing my sleeping gown. Alarmed by my sleeping place, I crawl from the unusually comfortable bed and slip my soft slippers on. A letter sits on the edge of the bed with my name on it. I pluck it from its position, and open the paper.

Dear Ms. Burr,

Last night, as you were filling out paperwork you passed out. This may sound like a shock, but no need to panic.
We discovered you passed out because you were heavily sleep-deprived, too much to be consider "healthy". We've put you in a hospital bed for you to get better sleep, and hope that you are well when you return.
You may like to know a very kind young man carried you up the stairs when I was not able to. I asked for his name, but he claimed to have reconisged you and wanted to be known as Ace. You'd better give that Ace a thank you, dear, you were quite hard to move.

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