Chapter 8

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The only sound coming from the kitchen is the clashing of forks against the China. My father remains silent, and I'm far too nervous to say a word in fear of my father getting angry. I calmly eat the meatloaf I'd prepared, sipping water occasionally, and overall just kind of sitting there.
Finally, Papa clears his throat. "The Washington's have invited us to a party on Friday. I have accepted."

"Oh, alright Papa."

Silence begins again, and I finally set my fork down. "I'm sorry, father. I hadn't meant to be drunk, I-"

"Its alright General. You were upset and hurt, you had every right to be a little wild. Being drunk once or twice in your life isn't a sin. I, myself, have been drunk." Papa tells me calmly. "Now, why don't you calm down and we can eat?"

I awkwardly pick up my fork, shoving the food in my mouth as the silence comes over us again. His quick and almost sharp response confuses me, and I just try to make conversation in hopes of the best. "Why do we need to go to the Washington's?"

"They would like to have a New Years party, though they are a little late." Papa explains.

"Is all of your coworkers going to be there?" I ask.

"Yes, why do ask?"

"I would rather not face George Eacker. Last time I was with him he spoke very unkindly to me." I tell Papa quietly. The last time I saw Eacker was one year ago at the annual Winter Ball I am to attend, and when refused to dance with him, he pulled me aside and I received an earful of how disgusting and vile I am as a woman.

"No good woman would refuse such a gracious offer!" He had said, screaming in my face in the garden. "Woman must always, always, satisfy the needs of men!"

My cheeks had flushed, my chest swelling, I had my mouth open to spew out insults to this disrespectful man. Just as I had gotten the word "you" out, the President George Washington came to us.

"Everything alright Mr. Eacker, Miss Burr?" He said smoothly, grinning with his shiny white teeth.

"I, um, of course, Mr President." Eacker says, bowing.

"Everything is fine, Mr Washington." I politely curtised.

"Of course, Mr Eacker. I'm sure it is. Now, have heard news of the new Senate position is up for grabs?" Washington said, easily taking up conversation like it was of no issue.

I shake my head no.

"Yes sir," Eacker nods. "One man ran, but instantly lost."

"Do you know why?"

"No, sir."

"He was too loud, obnoxious, and has a horrible belief system. So let me give you some advice; to be wanted and desired, don't be loud, and don't say common lies."

"Thank you, Sir." Eacker smiles nervously, sweat droplets spilling down his head.

Washington grabs his shoulder gingerly, forcing him to look at him. I watched to the side in awe.

"Next time somebody tells you something you don't want to hear, the whole party doesn't need to know. Now run along before I hear another awful word towards Miss Burr." Washington said. Eacker's eyes had widened and he quickly left the scene as my mouth draped open. Did the President just defend me from a snotty boy? Mr President laughs at my dumbfoundedness, answering my unspoken question. "Your father and I were discussing the Senate and he reconisged the situation. He told me, determined to fix it when I offered to. I realize how it embarrassing it could potientally be for a young woman like yourself to be saved by her 'Papa'."

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