Chapter 11

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The sunrise was beginning, it's beautiful golden colors filling the entire sky. I was a little late in arriving, but I doubt Philip would mind too much. As I carefully walk through the city, I admire the stillness engulfing it. The pavement, usually clacking with heels slamming only played the high taps of my shoes. The stores all typically full and bustling, had no light through the windows and if so, had the owners calmly walking throughout with absolute no worry in the world.

As I approach Madison Square Park, my guts start to twist and tighten in a ungodly manner. Sloshing and slushing through uncomfortably, the feeling of nausea growing. Swallowing the bad feelings, I slowly push the gate open. It's usually open fully, but isn't yet due to the earlier time. The creaking sends the noise to every ear outside, and I know if Ace is here he definitely heard. There I see it. A mop of curly brown hair, messier than usual, trotting around quickly. Under the large oak, Philip paces from one bench to the other, biting his nails. He looks terrible, clearly sleep deprived. Light purple circles lying gently under his eyes. Sensing my presence, Ace looks up.

"Theodosia!" Philip rushes to me, collecting my hands in his own. Getting to close for comfort, I gently peel his hands off of mine.

"Philip," I look him in eyes. They're wild, hazel beauties. "I've decided to," I swallow my nervousness. "Accept your proposal."

Eyes widening, Ace wraps his arms around me tightly. His face falls into my shoulder, burying his head in the crook of my neck. I hug him back, then realizing the awkward position and gently push him away.

"I have rules," I tell him quickly, and his expression falls. Furrowing my eye brows, I hold a finger in the air. "First, we need to sleep in separate beds. I know you are a man of honor, but I don't want to risk it either." I hold up a second finger. "Second of all, no kisses, makeouts, massages, and um.. sex."

"You made that point clear in the first rule, Mrs Hamilton." Philip whispers.

My cheeks flush, and suddenly I have a coughing fit. "I, um, I... You're cooking."

Breaking out in laughter, Philip holds his stomach. "So that's al-"

"No! One more thing," I stop him abruptly, "I want a wedding. An actual wedding, a big one. My dream one."

He looks me in the eye, looking me up and down. "You want a big, dream wedding with me?"


White teeth shine brighter than the sun at the comment, and he brings me into his arms, kissing my forehead. "We will tell the parents tonight."

"O-okay." I stutter, looking to the floor.

"I'll see you later, Mrs Hamilton." Philip whispers huskily into my ear before striding away.

The second the gate is done creaking it's tunes, I collasp to the ground. Holding my gasps in by my hand, I stare at the broken pavement. I have no clue what's overtaken me. Fear racks my body and I feel like visibaly shaking. The idea of betraying my father for education, it terrifies me worse then death. What if he never wants to see me again? What if he hates me? What if I'm banished!?

Forcing myself to stand, I head out of the park. Stopping at the bakery, I pluck out two beautiful jam donuts, and bring them to the house. I gently open the door, stepping inside and shutting it slowly behind me.

"Papa... Papa.." I call, but nothing answers. I go into the kitchen, taking out two plates and setting them on either sides of the table. Taking the bag with donuts, I then place one on each plate. Then set a glass of milk next to mine and coffee my father's. I hear footsteps approach the kitchen.

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